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"What Would A SPUG Village/Town/City Look Like???" Topic

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Cacique Caribe04 May 2009 12:13 p.m. PST

I guess that defensive positions aren't the only thing to think about . . .

TMP link

So . . . for these fellas: link

What do you think a Spug village, town or city should look like?
What sort of architecture do you envision for their civilian buildings?
Do you imagine tall buildings and spires, or structures low to the ground?
Would they have communal living quarters or individual homes?
Would they have above-ground farming, or would they harvest other things in caves? And what would those plots look like?


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Jamesonsafari04 May 2009 12:19 p.m. PST

If they're a communal/hive-mind kind of critter than a big nest/colony/termite mound. something organic and slightly chaotic looking with lots of holes and bumps.

Like the pics of termite mounds you posted on the previous thread.

Jake B04 May 2009 1:11 p.m. PST
Cacique Caribe04 May 2009 4:05 p.m. PST

I thought Geonosian, but with a few higher-tech pieces thrown around.

I would image that, though they are advanced, they would still retain some basic insect trends in their culture, including their architecture.

I don't think technology would get in the way of that, particularly for their everyday dwellings. Don't you think?


CPBelt04 May 2009 4:33 p.m. PST

Something buggy? :-)

Huts always work for me. Who doesn't like attacking a village of huts? And they burn so nice and bright, especially when doused with Raid.

Cacique Caribe04 May 2009 7:51 p.m. PST

"especially when doused with Raid"



Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP04 May 2009 9:07 p.m. PST

I got these from SHQ … 6mm of course … Bugz might like these … link

Cacique Caribe06 May 2009 5:55 a.m. PST

Those are interesting. Generally low to the ground and rounded. Very bug-like.


28mmMan06 May 2009 7:18 a.m. PST

Dude, Legion, Whoville rocks!

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP06 May 2009 4:10 p.m. PST

Well I thought they looked like Whoville from the Grinch that Stole Christmas cartoon. The color pattern was just something I came up with … no real idea where in came from … It will make a nice vill on some planet for my Epic/DRM/Exodus Wars/GZG to fight over … evil grin

Cacique Caribe07 May 2009 2:51 p.m. PST

I guess the Geonosians really enjoy living all under one roof:

"An insectoid species divided into castes, the Geonosians are native to the harsh rocky world of Geonosis. Geonosians construct immense, organic-looking spires within which reside their hive colonies."
"Geonosian aesthetics and architecture were based on the immense termite mounds found in Africa, infused with Gothic and art nouveau sensibilities by the Art Department. The Geonosian warriors carry a sonic-based weapon designed to present a degree of challenge to the Jedi, who cannot deflect these particular blasts.
The design of Geonosian hive interiors are forever in shadow, evoking a creepy sense of the unknown. Lucas directed the Art Department to depict the Geonosians as blending in with their environments, and some early concept designs explored the notion that Geonosians could change colors like chameleons."

Whatever it was based on, it does look nice, doesn't it?


PS. Silly humans. They have absolutely no idea how close they really are to being taken "down under":

alien BLOODY HELL surfer07 May 2009 4:36 p.m. PST

My Spugs are going to primarily live underground in vast cities/hives (like Ants) with occasional surface mounds/buildings.

Cacique Caribe07 May 2009 8:35 p.m. PST

"with occasional surface mounds/buildings."

Let us know when those are done!


Cacique Caribe07 May 2009 9:59 p.m. PST

Any of these suggestions sound right for Spugs?

TMP link


Cacique Caribe22 May 2009 8:09 p.m. PST

I made this green a while back (almost a year ago, I think).

It was way too small for 28mm, but I think it looks ok now that I put them next to 15mm Spugs.


Not exactly a perfect hexagon like those that bees and wasps do, but it does have 6 sides!

What do you guys think?


Cacique Caribe22 May 2009 9:00 p.m. PST

Well??? Does it look Spug-worthy?

Or should I have gone with something more like this?



Cacique Caribe19 Jul 2009 5:26 p.m. PST

Well, the spug-hut has been shipped off.


I mailed it to Pole Bitwy PL day before yesterday. Look forward to seeing the casts he produces from them.


Eli Arndt19 Jul 2009 5:31 p.m. PST

Excellent. Good for you!

Cacique Caribe19 Jul 2009 6:54 p.m. PST

Well, I hope you guys like them half as much as I enjoyed making the green.

Fingers crossed.


Cacique Caribe20 Jul 2009 10:22 a.m. PST

I guess the only difference between these photos and the actual green I mailed off is that, after taking the pictures, I added a thin edge to the bottom of the mud hut.


It raised the hut's height about 2mm, but I think that works even better than I anticipated.

If I get a few resin casts sent over to me, I'll take a couple and create additional variants of the mud hut, and send them back to him to see if he wants to expand his options.


Cacique Caribe30 Jul 2009 11:26 a.m. PST

Hope the hut made it to Poland safely. Fingers crossed.


I'm anxious to hear what he thinks of it once he looks at it in person. Pictures are one thing, but having the green in hand may provide different feedback.

Hope he likes it.


Dropship Horizon30 Jul 2009 11:30 a.m. PST

I'm going for Termite style hills – tall and spikey.

I've bought some 12" cones of florists foam for the project. Easy to mould and shape.


Cacique Caribe30 Jul 2009 11:34 a.m. PST


Are you going to coat them afterwards with layers of PVA, or something else, to keep the fragile florist foam from crumbling?

PS. Mark, what do you think of my green?

Pole Bitwy PL30 Jul 2009 1:17 p.m. PST

Hello SF Brothers :D

CC's 15mm bug hut safely arrived in Poland yesterday. Picked it up today from the post office, packed in a very strong water-proof box. Complete and undamaged :)

My first reaction upon opening the box: Wow ! Its so green! :D I know that green stuff is green, yet its a shock after the boring monochrome metallic grey of cast miniatures ;)

The building itself is very nice. I will post some comparison pictures with other buildings and miniatures soon.

Hopefully molding and casting of the hut will be done next week after my friendly resin expert returns from his holidays. Once the molds are done I will start making ultra-hard dentist plaster [cheaper] as well as resin [more expensive] castings of the structure for your pleasure.


Dropship Horizon30 Jul 2009 1:57 p.m. PST

<Are you going to coat them afterwards with layers of PVA, or something else, to keep the fragile florist foam from crumbling?>

Yes CC. PVA, then plaster mixed with PVA then possibly more PVA.

I'm tempted to try some kind of papier mache which will give it more strength but probaly won't be a*sed.

I think your greens are great. Very Tatooine'ish.


Mil Dot30 Jul 2009 2:22 p.m. PST

looked at both pics how about a combination of the two, your building with the mound in the middle or at one end or another, very nice bug look too, good work I think.

Pole Bitwy PL30 Jul 2009 2:52 p.m. PST

Mil Dot – CC once wrote he would like to create more variations on the basic bug hut theme. Once he receives my resin casts of his hut, he may be able to modify them into new structures.

Cacique Caribe30 Jul 2009 3:13 p.m. PST

I can definitely make several variants from resin casts, when those are ready.


Mil Dot01 Aug 2009 5:05 p.m. PST

Great, must have missed that. looking forward to them

Cacique Caribe17 Oct 2009 4:43 p.m. PST

This is giving me even more ideas . . .



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