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"Squadron Markings for ETO P38s and P47s" Topic

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Hevy Phyzx28 Sep 2008 4:21 p.m. PST

Hi all,

I just got my True North Miniatures order of P-38s and P-47s to use for ground support for my forces (Playing mainly FoW rules currently).

After looking over this thread: TMP link
and this thread: TMP link

And going to Wings Palette per the various recommendations on several threads on these boards…

I still can't figure out the Squadron Marking schemes for these air craft.

OK, I did notice that for both aircraft there is a "three letter" scheme with a block of 2 that seems to go for the squadron, and the third for the aircraft. The P-47 seem to have the block of 2 letter in front of the national emblem and the third letter after it, while the P-38s have the two letter block after the radiator manifold and the single letter on the manifold.

Could someone point me to a resource that lists the various fighter groups/squadrons, and their designations?

Were the P-38's mainly "Aluminum" by late 1944, or was it a "Grey"?

Thanks in advance.

Andy Welkley
"Your Phrendlee Hevy Phyzx T-chrr"

miscmini Fezian28 Sep 2008 4:58 p.m. PST

Try looking around this site link


Neroon28 Sep 2008 9:43 p.m. PST


The best reference you could ever want. It will answer every question you'll ever have on this subject and do it in full color too. A relatively inexpensive investment considering what you spent on the minis.


Phil Gray28 Sep 2008 10:52 p.m. PST

This is the next one I found on the 9th…


Personal logo Doms Decals Sponsoring Member of TMP29 Sep 2008 2:04 a.m. PST

Gotta agree with Steve – that is one superb book. (Oh and re: the colour question; natural metal finish, not grey.)


Hevy Phyzx29 Sep 2008 6:48 p.m. PST

Thank you all VERY much!

Phil, that was very educational with regard to the IXth.

Steve, that book looks fantastic. First I will try my interlibrary loan, then purchase if necessary.

Thanks all, I have some really cool ideas for my minis now.

Oh…and with regard to the "natural metal" Should I use "Steel" (Ral Partha), or GW "Boltgun", or "Chainmail" I think Mithryl Silver is just "too much" but I don't know.

Andy Welkley YPHPT

Personal logo Doms Decals Sponsoring Member of TMP29 Sep 2008 11:48 p.m. PST

Of that list, mithril silver is definitely the one I'd go for – aluminium's a very light colour compared to steel, and they were frequently polished up as well. (The reason for NMF was that ditching the paint job could add noticeably to the top speed, as could getting the surfaces as frictionless as possible.)



Hevy Phyzx30 Sep 2008 4:39 p.m. PST

Hi Dom,
I had also read that not painting the camo for the B-17s, B-24s, and B-29 saved enough weight to increase the range of those bombers by nearly 5 percent. As I understood it, they used lead based paint, and that added several hundred pounds to the weight of the aircraft!

Thanks for the info.

Hevy Phyzx30 Sep 2008 4:42 p.m. PST

BTW…wasn't the P-38 one of the "sweetest" looking aircraft in the war? That, the P-61, and the Me-262 were very fine looking aircraft. Yes…the P-61…I always thought that thing looked so cool for a HUGE fighter!

I have always been partial to the B-25 on the "bomber" side of the aircraft for "aesthetics".


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