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"BEST 10mm ACW Infantry? BEST15mm Mongols?" Topic

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Cacique Caribe30 Jun 2008 10:57 a.m. PST

Who makes the very best 10mm ACW infantry regiments?

Who makes the very best 15mm Mongols?

There's method to the madness . . .

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Cacique Caribe30 Jun 2008 11:04 a.m. PST

While we're at it . . .

Who makes the very best 10mm Medieval Russian infantry?



Personal logo Dan Cyr Supporting Member of TMP30 Jun 2008 11:14 a.m. PST

I think 15 mm would be way too large for what you want. Something closer to 12 mm would be better.

Or, true 15 mm for ACW and Russian feudals and 18 mm Mongols.


John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP30 Jun 2008 11:19 a.m. PST

Minifigs has the very nice AIM ACW line. GHQ also has a nice (if pricey) line.



Cacique Caribe30 Jun 2008 11:22 a.m. PST


Thanks. I may have miscalculated.

Tugars are proportioned like humans, but are eight to ten teet (2.4–3.0 m) tall.

Does 10mm have "scale creep", with a "true" 10mm and a "heroic" 10mm? If so, would that work?


Rudysnelson30 Jun 2008 11:24 a.m. PST

Mongols: Quartermaster/ Falcon Uk, Old Glory 15mm, Essex.

In the USA Old Glory 15mm is the easiest to get.

Falcon UKis made by Quartermaster in the USA and these are single cast rider on the horse.

CPBelt30 Jun 2008 11:29 a.m. PST

10mm ACW Pendraken. Warstore will be carrying them soon! Fill in with Minifigs. GHQ are da bomb but smaller.

Cacique Caribe30 Jun 2008 11:38 a.m. PST

I guess it would require some modification of rules too, to accommodate the greater strength (and increased range) of Tugar warriors . . .

"The Tugar are ferocious in battle and prize the arts of warfare above all else. They wield two handed weapons such as swords or axes, but most feared are their archers who employ huge 6 ft warbows that fire arrows 4 ft in length up to 200 yards ! The archers are either on foot or mounted and the Tugar also field units of lances, pike and ballistae that fire great bolts 10 ft in length. The soldiers are organised into units of 10,000 called 'Umen'. The Tugar Horde can field a total of 150, 000 warriors. The first Umen of the Tugar horde are an elite unit known as the 'Olkta' and each member wears a hauberks of heavy chainmail that falls to the knees and a conical helmet lacquered in red and topped with a skull."


Personal logo Dan Cyr Supporting Member of TMP30 Jun 2008 2:11 p.m. PST

Frankly, if I was to do it, I'd do it in 15 mm, looking for a larger "mongolish" figure to be the Tugars. You want a larger figure and horse than the human troops.

I'd guess that the best scale would be with stands representing individual artillery pieces and platoons. The books seem to indicate that the Maine regiment is up to full strength (1000), but since its fought the entire war and is on its way to Petersburg, I'd suggest that it would be more like 200-400 men in size. That said, I'd settle for a scale of 4:1 and have an unit of about 50-100 figures, plus the battery.

For the Tugar, just start painting and never quit (smile) as they are a horde of 10s of thousands.

Nice thing is that you can have feudal Russians, Imperial Romans, Chinese, etc., or any mix that you want to fill out the human side. Settle on a common base size (DBA) and use your existing armies.


Judas Iscariot01 Jul 2008 10:17 a.m. PST

Mirliton makes the best looking 15mm Russians (Medieval), and Museum makes he best looking 15mm Mongols I have seen.

That said, I hate poorly thought out Cannibalism stories.

Cannibalism is something that has me in a curious grip, and has since I was 8, and they had a "Nutrition expert" come give a talk at my grade school.

She had this big banner "You are what you eat"… I took her at her word and began to expect to eat a person… I became downright desperate to eat a person as the years past as I was afraid that I would stop being one since "You are what you eat"… I had been eating chicken, cows, pigs, deer, and… GASP… Vegetables… There was no way I would allow myself to become a vegetable… so, I promptly stopped eating them.

It would be three years before someone explained the concept of a metaphor to me, and that I was not going to be allowed to eat a person (I have even gone as far as to pick out who I wanted to eat in my second and third grade classes)… I actually had nightmares of turning into a Chicken-spout, or an ear of Cornbeef (Confusing "Corned-Beef" with Corn, and Beef… I wouldn't eat Corned-Beef for that very reason as well)… It was terrifying.

I think that this may have something to do with my present dysfunctional eating habits…

But, that said.. Russians: Mirliton, Mongols: Museum… Or one of those awful 20mm plastics that would give you bigger mongols.

Cacique Caribe01 Jul 2008 11:00 a.m. PST

Yes, the humans are "cattle" for the Tugar creatures.

But it wouldn't really be cannibalism if the humans are not the ones eating the humans right?


Rothgar01 Jul 2008 11:28 a.m. PST

Pendraken are at the top of the list for the best looking 10mm ACW figs. The firing line looks great.

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