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Brandlin22 Jan 2008 4:31 p.m. PST

Following the great response to my last rogue trooper thread TMP link

I then stumbled on another picture on kev dallimore's website


The figure second from right is and old citadel "Rogue with Lazooka" figure but what are the others?

The figure second from left certainly seems to have the same weapon (judging from the weapon stock and boots) but the other 2 are I suspect are another manufacturer just painted up…

Any ideas?

Prince Rupert of the Rhine22 Jan 2008 4:42 p.m. PST

The one crouched over looks like a citidal Miniatures Rogue trader 40K era (1987) mercenary to me


Catchan Luke I believe. As for the female I have no clue

Cheers Jon

Brandlin22 Jan 2008 4:44 p.m. PST

Ah yes, i see… that would make a little sence, as the original Souther trooper from the rogue trooper line was released as a rogue trader/w40k mercenary and is i believe the figure bottom right in the link you sent Prince Rupert.

Chocolate Fezian22 Jan 2008 6:28 p.m. PST

I think the female is a Foundry Venus Blue Genes

citizen sade22 Jan 2008 11:25 p.m. PST

All Citadel: Venus Bluegenes, Rogue Trooper, Rogue Trooper with lazooka & RT era merc.

Kilkrazy22 Jan 2008 11:49 p.m. PST

I agree, they are all Citadel. I had all these figures when they came out and still have a few of them.

BugStomper23 Jan 2008 4:43 a.m. PST

Yep, all Citadel figures and the fourth figure on the right is a 40k mecenary (Catachan Luke).

Brandlin23 Jan 2008 4:08 p.m. PST

Thanks Guys – I'd never seen the rogue pose without the helmet before, and i was convinced the citadel model of venus had more… ermmm… assets. Perhaps the passage of time has clouded my memory from my adolsent youth.

me turned on by naked lead ladies – no sir not me.

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