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2 - Painting the Adobe

Adobe Building A
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10 March 2000converted to new format
4 February 1999page first published

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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My intention was to use this building as part of a Goff Ork complex (they are a tribe of 40K ork that's not into bright colors - black and white will do just fine, thank you). This meant I didn't want to go with a bright yellow, or even a cheerful yellow-tan. I decided to go with a darker tan, a "no frills" color for my tribe!

Looking through my paint rack, the color I chose was Apple Barrel Sandstone. I gave the building a thorough coat, trying to cover everything except the windows, doors, and the base.

painted sandstone

It was about this time that discouragement began to set in. I decided I didn't like the sandstone color, it was way too "washed out" of a color.

I decided that what I needed to do to rescue the building was to tone everything down, make it browner. Therefore, I mixed up a thick wash of a medium tan - to be specific, Americana Mink Tan. The wash was roughly two-parts water to one-part paint, and I used a large brush to slop it heavily but evenly all over the building.

And when the wash was dry, I discovered to my relief that the building looked much better.

Next, I wanted to give the "adobe" surface less of a flat look - do something to bring out the surface texture. I decided to drybrush on a slightly lighter color of paint. Since I didn't have a pre-made color at hand, I simply mixed mink tan and sandstone paint to make my drybrush color (about 50/50). I drybrushed it on with a large brush, and couldn't help but get some of it on the "black" doors and windows...

Sandstone washed with mink tan