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15mm Amazon Maiden Archers

Amazon Bow Maidens
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9 April 2020page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

I'm still basing up my new 15mm Amazon army.

Amazon maiden archers

The figures are from the Armies of Arcana range, sometimes sold by Lone Gunman Games (their webstore is currently closed).

Amazon maiden archers

They were painted for TMP by Old Guard Painters in Ukraine to my instructions.

Amazon maiden archers

I play a lot of Mighty Armies (Rebel Minis), so my first Amazon army (that I gave away) was built using the army pack available through Rebel Minis, using the Lone Gunman figures. This set mixes two types of Amazon archers into one figure type.

Amazon maiden archers

However – as I wrote previously – I've designed some troop types for Mighty Armies to split the two figure poses, as I think was the original intention of the range.

Amazon maiden archers

So what you see here are the Amazon Bow Maidens.

Amazon maiden archers

These are all the same pose, which frankly doesn't bother me much for archers in 15mm scale. I've based them so they face in slightly different directions. I suppose I could have bent the bow arms for more variety, but I didn't bother.

Amazon maiden archers

As usual for me, the figures were painted by the painting service but left unbased, and I based them myself on standard Mighty Armies plastic bases (which I am particularly fond of).

Amazon maiden archers

Since the Wonder Woman sequel movie has been delayed, perhaps I can get this army onto the tabletop before the movie comes out.

Amazon maiden archers

More Amazons to come…