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Superfigs' Blackbird

Flyer 3 - BlackBird
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$6.95 USD

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Augustus writes:

I prefer Red Hawk?

Scarlet Falcon?

Blood Talon? (Somewhat too visceral maybe?)

Crimson Crow

Carmine Cockerel

Hell Harrier

Bleeding Chicken?

Tomato Tinamou?

Revision Log
22 May 2020page first published

Areas of Interest

Science Fiction

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

I had a figure on my workbench the other day, I was rebasing it for magnetic storage, and I realized I didn't know what the figure officially was.


So I asked on the forum, and you told me is was Blackbird from the Superfigs range.


This was a commissioned figure for TMP, but somehow was never featured until now.


Wish I could tell you who painted this, but those records probably went away in my hard drive crash a few years ago.


I glued the figure to a steel disk so it would stick to my magnet-lined storage box.


Then I smoothed the base with spackle, painted it dark gray, and flocked with black sand.


Should I rename her Redbird now? grin