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1:72 Italeri Russian Infantry, Part IV

Russian Infantry
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Suggested Retail Price
€10.50 EUR

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companycmd writes:

not anti-vehicle rifles (better phrase than Anti-Tank) at least that i know of. or at least the sculpt does not make it clear but it is a long barrel.

Revision Log
21 August 2023page first published

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

As you will remember, these figures were painted for us by our friends in Sri Lanka, Fernando Enterprises, based on the box illustrations.


When the painted figures return, I base them up for gaming.


Last time, I worked on a horse and horseholder. This time, we have three prone infantry.


While this figure could always be used as a prone infantryman, I'll probably use it to represent a Soviet sniper.


Anyone want to guess which type of rifle he's using?


More still to come!