I'm continuing to base up the 1:72nd Russian WWII infantry. As you will remember, these were painted for us by our friends in Sri Lanka, Fernando Enterprises, based on the box illustrations.

Last time, I did the two mortar men. This time, we have two horses and two horseholders.

It seems an odd inclusion in this set. Why is someone leading a horse? What would you ever use the models for in a game?

I could have based them together, but I thought basing them individually gave more options on the tabletop.

The horse, oddly enough, does not have a cast-on base. I simply glued the hooves to the base, and hope that stands up to gaming use.

In the photo above, there's something odd above the foreleg. Not sure what the sculptor had in mind there.

The horseholder has a bag and what seems to be a sword? Riding crop?

Big weapon slung on the back, seems larger than the standard rifle.