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Armorcast's Eldar Falcon

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

These are the guys that did licensed 40K vehicles, back before Forge World.

Revision Log
10 March 2000converted to new format
16 June 1997added news notice
5 June 1997added Kevin's comments
27 May 1997page first published

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Here's a view of the box - the way you would see the kit in a store, or when you opened the shipping container. Ours is still in the shrinkwrap (but not for long...).

Here is the kit itself. As you can see, most of the kit is one large piece - the hull. In the bag on the right are the engine nozzles (2) and the main gun (all resin), and a small metal shuriken catapult (barely visible in photo).

The kit comes with a datafax produced by Armorcast and Games Workshop. Also included (not shown) is a page of instructions for assembling and painting the model.

Model No Longer Available

Armorcast, which made resin 40K vehicles under an agreement with Games Workshop, took the Falcon off the market when GW decided to release its own Falcon kit.

A Kit Review

Kevin Walker

The discontinued Falcon produced by Armorcast is fantastic. Not everyone may want to use (or face) a Falcon on the game table, but for those that want to have a superbly-cast resin model, I can't recommend this one enough. Granted there is a little clean-up (and I stress the little part), but it's going to be far less work than properly constructing a plastic model.

BTW, I'm not employed, supported, or in anyway part of Armorcast, I'm just an enthusiast of wargaming in general.

The (Old) News Story

Tim DuPertuis of Armorcast reports:

The Eldar Falcon Grav Tank will go out of production on February 11, 1997, due to the planned future release of Games Workshop's own plastic Falcon model kit. February 11 will be absolutely the last day to purchase these models. Stocking up would probably be a good idea, because these will never be available again and will certainly become collectors' items.

When asked to comment on whether he felt Games Workshop was muscling his model out of the way to make their own, Tim added:

This possibilty is built into the contract and doesn't really bother me that much. I am surprised that they hadn't done it sooner, since the Falcon is probably the most obvious 40K vehicle to make.