Last Updated
Mon Nov 15 19:49:23 PST 1999
Voters = 6

Voters, By State - Tennessee

Voters, By County
county (or equivalent)percentage

Favorite Rules
Full Thrust33%
Babylon 5 Wars17%
Star Blazers Fleet Battle System17%

Rules Regularly Played
rules played regularlypercentage
Full Thrust67%
Babylon 5 Wars50%
Star Fleet Battles33%
Battlefleet Gothic17%
Star Blazers Fleet Battle System17%

Number of Rules Regularly Played
number of rules played regularlypercentage
1 rules played33%
2 rules played33%
3 rules played17%
5 rules played17%

Rules Tried
rules played at least oncepercentage
Silent Death100%
Star Fleet Battles100%
Full Thrust80%
Babylon 5 Wars60%
Battlefleet Gothic60%
Noble Armada40%
Star Blazers Fleet Battle System40%
Alien Space20%
GURPS Space20%
GaLakTic TakTik20%

Number of Rules Tried
number of rules playedpercentage
10 rules played25%
12 rules played25%
6 rules played25%
7 rules played25%

Voters, By Experience
level of experiencepercentage
Up To Twenty Years40%
Twenty Years or More20%
Two to Three Years20%

Voters, By Setting
usual game settingpercentage
With a friend or two83%
At the local game store17%

Number of Armies
number of armies owned or usedpercentage
2 army/armies40%
3 army/armies20%
5 army/armies20%
7 army/armies20%

Armies Owned/Used
armies owned or usedpercentage
Babylon 580%
Full Thrust80%
Star Trek80%
Battlefleet Gothic20%
Silent Death20%
Star Blazers20%
Star Wars20%

Periods Played
Fleet Combat100%
Planetary Assault33%
Boarding Actions17%
Fighter Combat17%

Number of Periods Played
number of genres/periods playedpercentage
1 periods50%
2 periods33%
3 periods17%

Scales Used
figure scalepercentage
Don't Know60%
6mm (including 1:285 and 1:300)20%

Number of Scales
number of figure scale(s) used
(per person)
1 figure scale(s) used80%
6 figure scale(s) used20%

J. W. Smith

Star Blazers at Gen Con '99. Teaching the system to anyone who stoped at the table. =20 [3 Nov 1999]

Sam Burns

I only recently bought Battlefleet Gothic, so my most recent game was an "exploratory" to try out the rules. We used only the four Imperial and four Chaos cruisers included in the basic game, and played a fairly straightforward "head-on" engagement between the two squadrons. It was a fairly entertaining experiment, even given that we were VERY slow, as we were more or less learning the rules as we went. Both sides were considerably less than expert at their maneuvering (didn't have any familiarity with the nuances of maneuver in the system, as you'd expect), and we ended up pounding each other pretty severely: the Chaos ships' faster speed let them close faster, but this played into the Imperials' seemingly heavier weapons batteries (at least, for the ships we selected). The Imperials won, but just barely: there were two badly damaged Imperial cruisers against a single shot-up Chaos ship when we ended the game by mutual consent. I'm very interested to see what an engagement with escort squadrons (and the commanders' adaptations to the previous slugfest) will be like; we plan to use some Full Thrust ships to mimic the two fleet's escorts for our next match, as we won't have any of the proper GW escorts painted and ready to go for a little while yet. In all, an enjoyable game so far! [13 Apr 99]

John Richert

It's been a while, but I played a game of Starmada. I had a few cloaking ships and some big battleships. Wound up getting my butt kicked cause the other guys rolled extremely well, and I couldn't get a good roll to save my life. [31 Mar 99]

Brian Greinke

Babylon 5 Wars: Playtest, Markab vs. Narn, 7500 pts. Narn Fleet: 2 T'Loth (Assault Carrier), 2 Var'Nic (LR Destroyer), 1 Bin'Tak (Dreadnought), 66 Frazi (Hvy. Fighters) Markab Fleet: 2 Shafab (Hvy. Cruiser), 2 Mafka (Transport Cruiser), 3 Martoba (Patrol Cruiser), 5 Romak (Escort Frigate), 42 Drofta (Med. Fighters) Synopsis: Martobas hang back, firing plasma waves against the BT and other caps, stripping their systems fairly quickly, while the other cap ships charge ahead, since they're armed w/ short-range weapons. The Romaks and Droftas kill Frazi exclusively, relying on the bigger ships to kill the Narn cap ships. The Narn focus their main force on the Romaks (which die incredibly easily) and Mafkas, due to the former's heavy antifighter defenses and the latter's plasma cannon. Markab fighters end up acting as interceptors rather than the assault fighters that they were supposed to be, but prove adequate at the role. Narn fighters, the key to the Narn strategy, are destroyed ruthlessly, but not before they deal heavy damage to the Romaks and Mafkas. End Result: Markab victory (all Narn fighters destroyed, all Narn ships crippled or destroyed); but 3 Romaks destroyed, all but 13 Drofta destroyed, 1 Shafab crippled, 1 Mafka crippled, 1 Mafka destroyed [31 Mar 99]