Eagles Over The Empire

What You Think

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Online Resources

Designer's Notes
The story behind these rules.
Eagles Over The Empire [Web]
These new rules are available as a webpage.
Eagles Over The Empire [PDF]
These new rules are available in PDF format.
Eagles Over The Empire [MS Word]
These new rules are available for download in Microsoft WORD 6.0 format.
Eagles Over The Empire [Word Perfect]
These new rules are available for download in Word Perfect 6.2 format.

If you know of other resources for this game, please let us know by sending email to the editor. If you have material you would like to make available to the Net, also let us know.

Last Updates
29 January 2008PDF available
26 December 1996designer's notes
29 November 1996reorganized
23 August 1996page first published
Comments or corrections?