Q: What is the suggested stand size for leaders?
A: 1"x1"
Q: On pg. 11, the Leader Action Points Chart lists a cost of 1 point to
"Move by Formation." Am I correct in assuming that this is 1 point per
infantry battalion, cavalry regiment or artillery battery, and not 1 point per stand?
A: Yes.
Q: Can you spend 1 point and move a larger unit?
A: Yes. You can move up to an entire division in base-to-base contact
as "one body." This is talked about on pg. 14 under Using Action Points or AP's.
Q: Do action points need be spent to move a leader?
A: No.
Q: The "Base Infantry Fire Factors" chart has a line for
Does this mean "mounted skirmishers" or "mounted and skirmishers"?
A: "mounted skirmishers"
Q: With reference to the "Infantry Fire Modifiers" on the Shooting, Cav. Recall & Leader
Replacement reference card, where it says "Tired/five/Low on Ammo" - what does
"five" refer to?
A: Having fired five times.
Q: On the Small Arms Fire Ranges chart on the same reference card, it
indicates that Mounted Carbines/Bow have a range of 5 inches. On the Basic
Infantry Fire Factors chart, would this count as point blank, short, medium
or long range?
A: That is the furthest they can shoot. When looking at the Infantry
Fire Chart, they can fire Short (2-5 inches) and Point Blank (0-2 inches).
Q: The reference card indicates that combat modifiers apply due to cover - light, medium, heavy, and super
heavy. I haven't been able to find definitions for the different types of
cover in the rules.
A: Refer to the Terrain Modifiers Chart for Movement.
Players/Gamemasters can use the terminology to label any terrain.
Q: If Unit A is "in a firefight" with Unit B, does this always mean that
Unit B is also "in a firefight" with Unit A?
A: Yes. Once Unit B is hit by Unit A, Unit B must check to go into
a firefight with Unit A. If B rolls to enter into a firefight with A, it locks both units.
Q: Pg. 21 mentions that infantry can start fires. How close do the
infantry need to be to the intended fire? In other words, can infantry start a fire
in a building at long range (12" away)?
A: Yes. It is an abstract system to cause fire. The closer a unit is,
the more likely that its efforts will be effective.
Q: Can multiple Grand Batteries be formed?
A: Yes, if the regular conditions are met.
Q: On pg. 25, it says that in order for a unit to charge, "...its orders
must allow charging..." From the list on pg. 13, it seems like the only
orders which would allow charging are Attack/Pin and All-Out Assault. Is
this correct?
A: Yes. Although it can counter-charge.
Q: On pg. 25, under The Charge to Contact, it lists the requirements to
make a charge. Do these apply only at the moment of the charge, or do they
also limit charge declarations?
A: The unit wishing to charge must meet the conditions at the time
of the Charge Declaration Phase.
For example, can a player declare a charge
if his unit doesn't have sight of its target, hoping that after the rout
phase a LOS will exist?
A: No. It must meet the conditions at the time of the charge declarations.
Q: On pg. 4 under Charge Declarations, it says that "...the movement of
units does not occur until the beginning of the following movement phase."
Does this mean:
- all charging units move, then all other units, or
- one player moves his charging units, then his other units; then other
player moves his charging units, then his other units?
A: All charging units move, then all other units.
Q: On pg. 26, it says that the target of a charge is eligible for
"...standing and firing upon the charges..." When does this firing occur?
A: At the most opportune moment before melee.
Is it treated the same as opportunity fire?
A: Not for the target of the charge. Other units may fire at it,
if they meet the opportunity fire requirements.
Q: The sentence on pg. 26, beginning "The unit being charged...", is a bit
hard to understand. I think it means one of the following:
- "Under these listed circumstances, the target of a charge must make a
morale check."
- "After a mandatory morale check, targets which do not meet the
conditions may fire on the charging unit."
Which is right?
A: Under these listed circumstances, the target of a charge must make a
morale check.
Q: Which troop types may charge? Infantry? Skirmishers? Artillery?
A: Infantry and skirmishers, when their conditions for charging are met.
Artillery cannot charge.
Q: May a unit move into base-to-base contact with an enemy unit without
conducting a charge?
A: No.
Q: Are the requirements to counter-charge the same as for charging? That
is, proper formation, proper divisional orders, etc.?
A: Yes.
Q: Must counter-charges be declared in the Charge Declaration step?
A: Yes. This is declared after the charges have been declared.
Counter-charges can only be declared on units charging the counter-chargers.
Q: Several melee modifiers apply due to "having 2:1 Masse" or 3:1 or 4:1.
How is the ratio determined? Number of stands? Number of castings? Combat factors?
A: Number of units in the melee.
Q: A melee modifier applies for "having seen leader killed or wounded" -
presume this applies to friendly leaders only?
A: Yes.
Does this apply only to leaders in this melee?
A: No. Only their own general or C-in-C, within line of sight or in
melee with them.
Q: Are casualties and fatigue the same thing? Is "fatigue level" the same
as the number of casualties a unit has?
A: Yes, except that Fatigues are not counted when determining if a
unit is exhausted.
Q: When a unit reaches its Effectiveness level, is it Exhausted?
A: Yes. It can go over the limit, but it must leave the field as
quickly as possible.
Q: On pg. 17 under Reasons for Becoming Disordered, it mentions
"Interpenetrating units which would cause disorder." Which units cause disorder if
A: Disorder is treated as a state which units should not be in.
Skirmishers (p. 30-31) and deployed artillery (p. 15) can be interpenetrated without
causing Disorder.
Q: Which types of terrain are Disordering?
A: All terrain except sand and hills. Crossing a wall, hedge, fence,
or works is considered crossing an obstacle, which causes Disorder. Except for skirmishers
as listed on the terrain chart.
Q: Under Regaining Cohesion (pg. 17) it explains how to recover from
Disorder due to fire or melee. How does one recover from disorder due to
interpenetration, disordering terrain, camels/elephants, or rout?
A: Same as fire-caused Disorder.
Q: Under Regaining Cohesion (pg. 17) it refers to "units that are
disordered by melees" - however, from the "Reasons for becoming disordered"
list, it doesn't seem that melee can cause Disorder.
A: It can cause Disorder if it is part of a melee result.
Q: On pg. 5, in the Rout and Rally Phase description, it says that
routed units may attempt to rally if not fired upon or charged. May a routed unit
attempt to rally if in contact with an enemy unit?
A: No.
Q: If a routed unit successfully rallies, is it still subject to making a
pursuit roll in the same Rout and Rally phase?
A: Yes, if it is within an enemy router pursuit range.
Q: What is the consequence of failing a morale roll? Pg. 33-34 doesn't seem
to explain.
A: Failing a morale roll when testing results in a rout. Failing a morale
roll when testing to charge/charge home will not allow a
charge/does not charge home (this is described in the Charge to Contact section).
Q: Bottom of page 35, description of Uncontrolled, some text seems to be
missing. There is an example, then suddenly we're on item #2 of a list of
some kind.
A: That's it. No #1. The Numeral 2 somehow was missed in the editing.