The BackgroundGrunt takes place against the backdrop of the eternal conflict between Good and Evil. At this moment, in this galaxy, Evil is temporarily ascendant. In order to keep the forces of Good from organizing, the gods of Evil are busily "...taking entire kingdoms and phasing them through folds in the fabric of space-time..." Incompatible kingdoms are placed next to each other, so that they will fight - resulting in "...a chaotic mess of misunderstandings and wasted blood." Players thus take the roles of army commanders, fighting an endless series of pointless battles, while "...chaos and anarchy rule the day." The ArmyThe basic army consists of units with the following ranks:
Every figure is actually a military unit, even the leaders and generals (who are presumed to be accompanied by elite guards and highly decorated soldiers). Each figure also has four stats: Hit Points, Attack Level, Defense Level, and Movement. Except for the Grunts - who are "under-equipped and ill-suppied" with "no potential to improve" - all units roll dice (4-, 6- and 8-sided) to determine their original Hit Points and combat levels.
Next, the player must determine for each unit whether they will be Infantry or Archer. Archers can make ranged attacks, and are very useful when attacking castles (see below), but are quite poor at melee fighting.
Once scores have been determined, it's possible to calculate the total worth of your army. When two armies fight, the army with the lower score receives extra figures until the forces are equal.
The BattlefieldGrunt is more of a strategic game than most fantasy miniatures rulesets. This is obvious with the "one figure = one battlefield unit" scale, but also becomes clear when looking at the battlefield. In the standard scenario, each player starts with one Castle and one City on his side of the table. Castles are no larger than 7" x 7", with the main buildings being 3-4" tall, and are surrounded by a 2" moat or barrier. The only way into a castle is to use archer fire to bring the drawbridge down, or (optional rules) to bring a siege tower into play (see below). The castle is the heart of the kingdom, and if your opponent drive you out of it and occupies it, your kingdom is considered conquered. The City is of unspecified size, with at least two entrances. Besides giving combat bonuses to its defenders (as does the castle), the city has the ability to gradually heal damaged units which start the turn there. Players can, at their option, add trees, rocks and hills to the battlefield. Trees and rocks give a Defense bonus against archery, and hills offer a useful High Ground combat advantage. Setting Up The Battlefield. Both players place trees, rocks, hills, and other terrain items randomly about the table. The players then dice to see who gets pick of starting territory (or, if the armies are unbalanced, the low-points army gets to choose to pick first or last). After territories are selected, players place their castle and city. The Combat SystemThe game is played in turns. Each player first moves any or all of his units which he wishes to, then makes attacks with them. The melee system is straightforward. A figure can attack if it has an enemy within 1". When combat is initiated, two combats are resolved - Attacker vs. Defender, and Defender vs. Attacker. In both cases, the Attack Level minus the Defense Level determines which column to use on the combat chart. A dieroll, compared to this column, reveals how many wounds the victim takes.
Retreats. Defenders have the option of Retreating rather than fighting. If they choose to retreat, combat is still resolved, but large modifiers apply in favor of the retreating figure. If it survives, it can then move a short distance away. Multiple Combat. If a single defender is attacked by multiple enemies at the same time, each attacker after the first receives a cumulative bonus to their combat scores. However, the defender still gets to strike at each and every attacker.
Archery Combat. Archery combat is identical to melee combat, except that Archers can attack up to 5" away (the range is determined randomly for each figure per turn), and the target cannot strike back. Archers cannot attack if they moved in that turn. Victory Points. Any non-Grunt can earn Victory Points - which are, essentially, experience points. You earn them for destroying enemies or getting them to retreat. There is a special bonus for destroying the last figure in a castle or city. An army-wide bonus applies if the enemy surrenders.
Battle Cards. Earning Victory Points also means getting Battle Cards, one for each figure which earns points that turn and lives. The cards can be played at any time. Most apply minor bonuses to the selected figure for one turn. Others can be used to obtain new units, heal the wounded, or place/remove markers.
Money. Players earn money by owning cities (1 money point per turn), as well as through Battle Cards and destroying enemy fortification markers. Victorious players can also cash in their unused Battle Cards at the end of the game, earning a nice reward for the next game. (If you don't cash the cards in, you lose them - can't keep them for the next game.) Money can buy almost anything - new units, Battle Cards, a new city, markers, and even a siege tower. The Continuing GameGaining Levels. After each battle, players check their figures' Victory Point totals to see if they qualify for a level bonus. A figure which gains a level may either:
Units can go up levels infinitely, but each level is harder to attain.
That's the crux of it. Winning a battle but losing all of your best units could lead to disaster the next time around... |
Last Updates | |
4 September 1999 | page redesigned |
9 June 1997 | corrections: killing Grunts earns victory points low-points army can pick first or last Defense bonus for trees and rocks |
7 June 1997 | page first published |
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