Designer Notes

For those who don't know me, I'm Bryan Winter, designer of Dragon Hordes. I also designed Dragon Lords for Grenadier oh-so-long ago (but hey, I had nothing to do with the pricing and the packaging, so don't blame me for that). :-)

Basically, I had always wanted to improve upon Dragon Lords' design, but never had the opportunity. Finally I decided, the heck with it, I'll start over from scratch. The result is Dragon Hordes. I'm a long-time GW hound and (as my CCG designs indicate) spent a great deal of time designing for Target Games/ Heartbreaker (tho' never in their TTG lines, to my chagrin).

In designing Dragon Hordes, I took a good look at the (numerous) TTGs in my collection, and thought about what I wanted in my own personal "perfect TTG." There were a few things I decided upon quite early:

  1. The world does not need another TTG dealing with special forces and individual troops.
  2. The really big stuff (dragons, cannons, vehicles, cavalry) is what most people (me, anyway) really like anyway.
  3. Figures have gotten too expensive for the "average" player to keep up with the arms race.
  4. There really wasn't a game out there that hasn't become bogged down by too many rules and exceptions.
  5. There was no "epic" fantasy game out there.

So, I tried to make a game that took care of all five of the above points. The result (I'd like to think) is a game that is easy to learn, quick to set up, fast to play, a lot of fun, and cheap.

Dragon Hordes really does embody the KISS mentality. But it really embodies the "It's your game, play it the way you find the most enjoyable" mentality (in fact, that is clearly highlighted as the game's Most Important Rule). If you want to, do it. If you don't, don't (and if you are worried about tourny play, ask the tourney official).

We're all set to roll on the new miniatures as soon as we sell more games!! The really great thing about Dragon Hordes is you don't need the miniatures to play (but I, like many of you, love the 3D figs, and really want to use them in my games). If you want to use your old Dragon Lords figs, you will find that they are about the right size.... Coincidence? I don't think so. :-)

We do have a couple of new factions planned. One is "Immaculata" - a race of women who are very religious and very tough. But no chainmail bikinis - one thing you will never see in a Dragon Hordes product is a Xena clone. I hate that crap. The Dragon Hordes women are real warriors wearing real armor and controlling really tough beasts and war machines. Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now... :-)

Well, I'll written my fingers off. Let me know if you have any questions.

- Bryan Winter
- Freelance Game Design

Last Updates
14 July 1998page first published
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