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"Mods for Desperado III?" Topic


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Buckeye AKA Darryl02 Feb 2020 11:10 a.m. PST

In gaming this version of Desperado, my gaming friends and I notice that damge needs tweaking. At time a severe wound, depending on die rolls, can actualy cause less damage than a mdeium, light, or even a graze, and that doesn't seem to be quite right. Some suggestions have been as follows:

Graze – Leave at 5 points.
Light – Either state that no matter the die roll cannot be less than 10 points, or die roll plus ten.
Medium – Same as light, but not less than 15 points.
Severe – Same, but not less than 25 points.

It can be a bit frustrating to set up a great shot, be on a good table for the hit roll, get a severe hit, and roll something like a 02 for damage. Yuck!

Thoughts? Any house rules for damage or other topics you'd like to share?

svsavory04 Feb 2020 12:18 p.m. PST

Agreed. I like your suggested numbers as minimum damage for each category of wound.

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