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De Bellis Renationis

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Phillius Sponsoring Member of TMP09 Jun 2008 5:15 p.m. PST

For some unfathomable reason, I am contemplating a later 17th century army in 25mm (28mm), to use for DBR.

I am also tempted to try something with a naval component, perhaps Later Venetian Colonial. So, my question is, who makes models of late 17th century galleys, galeasses, merchant ships.

I fully expect the answer to be "no one", in which case, would anyone care to advise me on what would be a reasonable approach to make such vessels?



Whatisitgood4atwork09 Jun 2008 5:41 p.m. PST

Not sure, but try Old Glory shipyards as a first port of call.

Phillius Sponsoring Member of TMP09 Jun 2008 5:47 p.m. PST

Those Old Glory 1:300 scale ships look great. Does anyone know how long they are?

terrain sherlock09 Jun 2008 6:20 p.m. PST

in 28mm scale..??? Only thing I can think of is perhaps a Heller plastic model (thier galleass might work) .. or have someone scratchbuild you a few..

Whatisitgood4atwork09 Jun 2008 10:33 p.m. PST

DBR recommends you use 15mm ships for naval elements in 28mm (they're further away you know. And a 28mm ship will not fit on the 60 x 120mm naval bases.)

The OG 15mm cog wars, gallery wars and lepanto range are the right size but are not great models. Fine for representative playing pieces but not very accurate or good looking. They look okay with painting but still more toy-like than models.


The 1/300 stuff looks much better and i'd be tempted to use those, perhaps with more than one per base (they are even FURTHER away you know).

Whatisitgood4atwork09 Jun 2008 10:35 p.m. PST

Not sure of 1/300 size, but suspect they are on 40 x 80 mm bases.

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