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"Basing for WRG 6th edition" Topic

Wargames Rules 3000 BC to 1485 AD

6 Posts

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Comments or corrections?

clanmc6116 Feb 2005 11:36 p.m. PST

Where can I find information on basing for these rules?

Phil Mc

No Name0216 Feb 2005 11:45 p.m. PST

Here. Just let me know which scale you want.

clanmc6116 Feb 2005 11:53 p.m. PST

15mm Ancient Persians

No Name0217 Feb 2005 8:35 a.m. PST

Close order foot; 7.5mm frontage, 15mm deep
Cavalry, light-med infantry; 10mm, 25mm
Light infantry; 15mm, 20mm
Light cavalry; 15mm, 25mm
Elephants; 20mm, 40mm

They also did an 18mm scale basing which worked well for larger 15mm figures and may now have become the new standard for 15mm. I will post that scale later and you can make your choice.

No Name0221 Feb 2005 1:20 a.m. PST

Now the 18mm scale goes like this:

Close order foot: frontage 10mm, depth 15mm

Light medium infantry; 13 and a third mm, 20mm

Light infantry; 20mm and 20mm

these then bacame the standards for the 'elements' of DBM rules

Super heavy catapharacts; 10mm, 30mm

medium & heavy cavalry; 13 and a third mm, 30mm

light cavalry; 20mm, 30mm

elephants; 27mm, 40mm

4 horse chariots; 40mm, 40mm

mikeah21 Feb 2005 5:16 a.m. PST

Use 40mm frontage on all bases. 40x15mm 4 figures for Close Order Infantry. 40x20mm 3 figures for Medium Infantry Infantry and 2 figures for Skirmish Infantry.

Cavalry is 40mm Frontage with 30mm depth with 3 horses for HC and MC and 2 figures for LC.

This baseing is compatible with all major rules sets. DON'T try to base individual for 15mm. It just doesn't work.

I've started baseing double depth on the HI/MI as you deploy them that way anyway. MUCH EASIER.

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