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"Skirmishers (in WRG rules)" Topic

Wargames Rules 3000 BC to 1485 AD

4 Posts

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Comments or corrections?

Erwin Muilwijk11 Jun 2007 10:53 p.m. PST

Do you need specific (sub)units in the WRG-rules to skirmish (like crossbowmen and arquebusiers), or can I also detach several arquebusiers from my Spanish tercio (which has 4 arq. subunits attached on each corner)?

lkmjbc312 Jun 2007 6:17 a.m. PST

I'm not sure about which version of WRG you are speaking. For DBR the Spanish are rated as either Shot(I) or Shot(O). They are based 3 per base and don't skirmsh.

For the old Gush rules…. I seem to remember that missile infantry skirmishes by turning alternate stands backwards to face away from the enemy. This clearly marks them and represents the circulation of ranks when firing.

Hope this helps.

Joe Collins

Phillius Sponsoring Member of TMP12 Jun 2007 12:24 p.m. PST

Joe is confused with the alternate casualty marking system.

Spanish foot under Gush would be able to fight in open order (skirmish) or order. They move from order to open order during a normal move.

You can have seperate sub-units for skirmishers if you wish, entirely your call. I believe only 75% of all shot troops in the Spanish army need to be sub-units; ie, some can be in completely shot units not attached to a parent unit.

Erwin Muilwijk12 Jun 2007 11:55 p.m. PST

Rules are Wargames Research Group indeed by George Gush (15 to 17 centuries); we play 2nd edition 1979.

So it would indeed be possible to have some skirmishers at the start of the game, in independent units. They could fill the spaces between the tercio's very well and start to early shoot up my opponents pikemen.

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