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"WRG 1st to 5th Editions Now Free" Topic

Wargames Rules 3000 BC to 1485 AD

6 Posts

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freewargamesrules11 Jul 2010 9:59 a.m. PST

WRG have release 1st to 5th Editions of their Ancient rules for free on their website:

6th Edition has been reprinted and is available for purchase from John Curry:

hwarang11 Jul 2010 11:11 a.m. PST

And much more they have online there. Great!
Thanks for the link and the info.

And thanks to WRG for making this available.

Pijlie11 Jul 2010 8:43 p.m. PST

And still I don´t want to play them.

Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP12 Jul 2010 5:56 a.m. PST

Fantastic news, I'e been after a copy of 4th edition for a while.

Thanks WRG !

(not applicable to ancients – but the 20th century rules are also there so double thanks !)

21eRegt12 Jul 2010 7:28 p.m. PST

Still the most enjoyable Ancients games I ever played. Good times. One die roll, one result; no armor penetration, no saves, no fate, no waste of time. Just clear and timely results.

wballard24 Jul 2010 2:27 p.m. PST

Oh for the time when figures were important and stands were just a way to move them around.

And when every game with the same "army" didn't have the exact same number of stands of the exact same type…

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