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"WRG 28mm Basing DEPTHS for various troop types?" Topic

Wargames Rules 3000 BC to 1485 AD

11 Posts

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wargame insomniac20 Nov 2016 5:06 p.m. PST

I know for 28mm figures WRG uses 60mm basing width.
What about basing DEPTH for the various troop types??

For example I know Impetus has the following base depths:
All mounted and Artillery 8cm
Heavy Infantry 4cm or 6cm
Light Infantry and Shooters 6cm
Skirmishers 3cm or 4cm
Depth is not fundamental so you are allowed to use deeper bases if required by the miniatures.

I would like to base figures so that usable for multiple gaming systems. So that although I intend to use them for Hail Caesar, if I wanted to sell them in the future that would maximise the possible rulesets could be used with, and thus help any resale value.

I have tried googling the subject but most of the comments if found relate to 15mm scale figures or base widths.

Thanks very much


PS: If it helps I am specifically interested in Light Infantry and Skirmisher base depths for WRG basing for 28mm figures

Martin Rapier20 Nov 2016 11:00 p.m. PST

My 20mm Ancients are all based on 28mm DBx bases, Iirc 20mm depth for heavy infantry, 30mm for psiloi, auxilia etc.

Markconz20 Nov 2016 11:04 p.m. PST

Light/medium infantry 30mm.
Heavy infantry 20mm (or 30mm if you can't fit).
Cavalry 40mm (or 60mm for wedges).
Elephants, Artillery, Chariots 80mm (60mm for Arty sometimes)

Personal logo BigRedBat Sponsoring Member of TMP21 Nov 2016 1:55 a.m. PST

I found I struggled to fit horses on some of the WRG bases, so I increased the depths first to 60mm, and later to 70mm. I also increased elephants to 100mm or 120mm and the depth for some close order foot to 25mm.

wargame insomniac21 Nov 2016 2:07 a.m. PST

Thanks guys. I am using magnetic mdf bases.

I already had some 60mm*40mm bases and some 60mm*50mm bases.
Looks like I need to get some 60mm*300mm bases too.


Martin Rapier21 Nov 2016 6:41 a.m. PST

You may find for modern 28s that you are better off using 80-mm wide bases. One of my pals uses those for his (old style) 25mm stuff.

It can be a squeeze fitting even 20mm stuff on the '28mm' basing scheme.

Personal logo Bobgnar Supporting Member of TMP21 Nov 2016 2:25 p.m. PST

If by W RG you mean the current DBA three bases then it would be 20 mm deep for solid blades, pikes and spears and war bands. But Phil has become flexible to account for larger figures that he abhors, so these could be 30 mm deep.
30 mm deep for fast versions of the above, and Ax, Psiloi, Bow. Light horse, knights, and Cavalry are 40 mm deep, but an extra 5 mm is OK. Phil is now very accommodating. 60-80mm for elephants, artillery, war wagon's.

I just based up a large contingent of King Arthur era troops and had no trouble whatsoever putting the very nice foot sore miniatures, gripping beast, and other current figures- horse and foot- on to the standard bases. I even made up a couple 4Kn for Arthur's army. In retrospect, I would've based the solid troops on 30 mm deep pieces in order to do better groundwork. It does make it difficult that way to distinguish solid Ax from spear, however.

By the way, I wouldn't worry about the figures based appropriately for some game. Who knows what basing will be by then, and most people like their own style of basing to fit what they have anyway. The best thing to do is put them on bases with glue so that they can be easily removed. Not contact cement on linoleum tile, as some I recently bought were done:(

wargame insomniac22 Nov 2016 3:27 a.m. PST

@ Martin Rapier – 80mm wide bases would nt be an option as would no longer match up with Impetus bases. I don't particularly like Impetus but if I go with 2*60mm wide bases then I know my units will match up with theirs when playing Hail Caesar.

I would rather have one less figure per base than have wider base than 60mm.

@ Bobgnar – I don't play DBA so Ax vs Spear does nt mean anything to me. As I said in the opening post, I was particularly interested in basing depth for Light Infantry versus Skirmishers, so the above replies have all helped.

Re glue – yes I agree. For my 28mm Napoleonics, most of my figures have been plastic Perry / Victrix. I have used PVA glue to attach them to the mdf bases. I don't know whether that would work for metal figures too.

Personal logo BigRedBat Sponsoring Member of TMP22 Nov 2016 3:56 a.m. PST

I personally find that when I increase base depth, pretty much any minis will fit on a 60mm frontage.

Regarding glue, I have stuck thousands to bases using PVA and would heartily recommend it! The only things certain in life are death, taxes and re-basing.

wargame insomniac23 Nov 2016 9:51 a.m. PST

Thanks Simon. It was your advice that helped me base my Napoleonics Perry plastics. Was nt sure if PVA glue would work as well with metals. Thanks for that.

Personal logo BigRedBat Sponsoring Member of TMP23 Nov 2016 12:03 p.m. PST

Great! I even use PVA to stick plastic minis to plastic bases. Plastic glue welds them in place do firmly that it's a nightmare to cut them off!

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