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"Gauntlet 2013 - 6th - 7th July - Broughton nr Chester " Topic

Wargames Rules 3000 BC to 1485 AD

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Goose66602 Apr 2013 12:33 p.m. PST

The Deeside Defenders once more invite you to attend our clubs annual gaming show – Gauntlet!

This year Gauntlet will be held on the 6th and 7th of July, in our usual Venue at the Wings Social Club, Airbus Factory, Broughton near Chester, CH40DR.

Propposed Tournament;
WRG 6th Edition

Participation Games, Traders and more..
Including a free Bring and Buy.

Full details can be found here; link

Photos and write ups from previous years can be found here;
Be warned it is a picture heavy link.

If anyone has any questions, please get intouch.
Traders etc, please contact Mr Stephen Oates, who is coordinating traders this year.

Gauntlet 2012, went down a storm and we hope that we can encourange more of our local gamers and those from further affield to pop along.

oh and just to remind people Entry is FREE!

So is car parking. We have a bar on site, serving drinks and hot meals at very reasonable prices too!

normsmith02 Apr 2013 2:39 p.m. PST

Bookmarked, was not able to make it last year. Interested in seeing the Stalingrad game. I had a copy of Ian's WWII rules some 20 odd (at least) years ago.

Goose66603 Apr 2013 10:43 a.m. PST

Hi Normsmith, have updated the page again today. Ian is after players, so drop him a line if you can make it.

I left off the list a Dystopian Tournament, being Organised by our club chairman.. Len aka Nenard. Details are now up on the event page: link

I will be updating the info on participation games as we I get more.

Goose66615 May 2013 11:40 a.m. PST

I have a few more updates to get up on the website this week.

But things are progressing nicely.

The Dozing Dragon10 Jun 2013 5:14 p.m. PST

Might be able to make it unless my wife has other plans……

Goose66613 Jun 2013 1:56 p.m. PST

Sadly, we are not looking like having suitable numbers to run the 40k this year, as dystopian appears to have gain a lot in favour. So the 40k tournament has now been cancelled.

Everything else is due to be run as per normal. :)

Not long to go now. I will try and update the website as asap and notify those who have emailed and enquired about the 40k prior.

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