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George Gush's Wargames Rules For Fifteenth To Seventeenth Centuries (1420-1700)

7 Posts

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diggia21 Sep 2015 1:59 p.m. PST

we use gush rules for late condotta warfare and fid them very good to use for small scenario.

my gaming group have some questions

1 : movement : is possible to move backwards, i is done at half speed ?

2 disorder : in the case of disorder taken to shooting casualties, when the disorder cease to apply ?

3 retire movement for reaction test ; what is the movement rate ? normal movement ? the retiring unit mantain the facing to enemy ?

4 if two unit charges and one fail the charge test it must take another test for being charged ?

where i can find a group or forum abou gush rules ? we are new to old wrg rules and like expecially gush rules that shines to recreate small italian condotta warfare…



Winston Smith21 Sep 2015 4:07 p.m. PST

I think there is a Yahoo group dedicated to Gush rules.

Phillius Sponsoring Member of TMP22 Sep 2015 1:41 a.m. PST

Once upon a time I could have answered those without thinking. Now I will struggle, but I will try.

1. Don't think it is possible, but can't really remember
2. When they successfully pass a rally test.
3. It tells you in the outcome of the reaction test which way they should be facing. Normal move less the cost of the turn.
4. No, it goes by the result of the first test.

Oh boy, someone is going to come along and contradict me now. I am truly only really sure about 4 to be honest.

diggia22 Sep 2015 2:55 a.m. PST

thanks rules tell

about 1 : rules tell is possible to wheel backwards at half speed, my doubt is also that directly backwards is at half speed

about 2 : rules tell that disorder cease to apply when the cause cease to apply, for bad terrain for example i think is when is moving out of bad terrain, but for disorder for shooting casualties ? when in next turn is not shoot at or when don't move and regroup the unit as like after a melee ?

about 3 the rules tell continue facing the enemy thanks

about 4 thanks a lot

for yahoo group i will try to find it

sorry for my bad english


DOUGKL25 Sep 2015 7:28 p.m. PST

I do not know if you will see this but here is one yahoo group for the rules.


DOUGKL25 Sep 2015 7:52 p.m. PST

answers to your questions

1. no you cannot move backwards. The unit would have to about face, move then about face again if you want to face the enemy.
2.If you are disordered from shooting and do not end up in melee you are back in good order for the reaction phase.
3. retiring uses normal movement you face the enemy
4. The unit that fails to charge uses that morale result

diggia06 Oct 2015 2:24 p.m. PST

tks a lot really…i find the group but my request is pending..

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