"AoA players' armies pics" Topic
8 Posts
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Thane Morgan | 12 Sep 2002 11:15 a.m. PST |
There are now pictures of 6 armies on the website at link they are in 28mm and 15mm, covering a lot of different figures. there are a half dozen more promised from other players, and I think four of my own that will go up in the next few weeks. Thane |
Autarch | 12 Sep 2002 1:31 p.m. PST |
of all the sort of 'pictorial' material you can have in support of the game i think the player's armies are the most enjoyable. the batreps are great as a way to see how the game looks and feels, as well as being entertaining in their own right. but army profiles always take the cake for me, there's nothing i enjoy looking at more for various game systems than pics of player's armies. i suppose that's because the hobby for me is msotly about army collecting and painting. keep up the great updates thane. |
Hundvig  | 12 Sep 2002 2:57 p.m. PST |
An entire unit of OOP Doom Pinky demons? And me without a single one? Arrgh! How I hate you, Thane Morgan! Nice looking army shots, though. 15mm really is a good scale for mass combat. Rich |
Autarch | 12 Sep 2002 4:53 p.m. PST |
yea, is it possible to lay hands on any of those old doom sculpts? anyone still doing them? |
Thane Morgan | 12 Sep 2002 8:43 p.m. PST |
Reaper did them. I don't think they have the license anymore since DOOM is kind of out of vogue for the moment, but possibly they have a deal set up to cast for special orders. E-mail Reaper, and beg and grovel and offer to do housework for them, maybe they can help. Or maybe they'll just let you grovel a bit more then tell you "no". Personally, I say what's dignity compared to a unit of Pink Demons? :) |
Andy Skinner  | 13 Sep 2002 3:33 a.m. PST |
Thane, your Barons look an awful lot like they're bowling. :) andy
Thane Morgan | 13 Sep 2002 5:59 a.m. PST |
Well, that was a pose for the PC game, but still - it was all I could do not to paint little names on their left breast and a team name on their back :) Like I said, to excited to re-pose, and I'm not messing with their paint jobs now. Thane |
Thane Morgan | 16 Sep 2002 6:48 a.m. PST |
My Goblin and Dwarf Pics are up, though I haven't finished the dwarf description yet. Thane |