"AoA battle report - Orcs vs. Greeks" Topic
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Thane Morgan | 01 Apr 2004 10:54 a.m. PST |
Henry McHarney wrote up a great report on this 8000 point battle. Very entertaining with good tactical discussions. http://www.thanesgames.com/battlereports/orcgrac/orcgrac.htm |
Hundvig  | 01 Apr 2004 1:18 p.m. PST |
Interesting report, sounds like the Greek player really knows the game (and his army) well. The 12" max area for units you suggest is probably a good idea...I haven't played much, but I've seen problems with odd long-frontage units producing impossibly-fast "free wheels" in other games. Rich |
Thane Morgan | 01 Apr 2004 8:35 p.m. PST |
In many ways he does, but in some ways he has problems. He cut his teeth on GW games, and because of it, he largely tries to win the games in unit selection and deployment. I would suspect that Justin (who takes pretty much the same unit builds in every game), having seen this new trick now, would be able to manuever to just chew apart that army if the same armies were played again. There is nothing really wrong with either play style, but I think trying to tailor an army to an opponent, as opposed to trying to maneuver an army differently, leads more frequently to either crushing victories or catastrophic defeats. |