"AoA WCIII Shadow Elves themed army - input needed" Topic
9 Posts
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Alias Zero | 24 Sep 2004 6:04 a.m. PST |
I've been toying with the idea of making a 28mm-scale Shadow Elves AoA army. The archers aren't really a problem since so many companies make elven archer types. The Druid of Talon and Druid of bear are also pretty easy to find similar mini types. I'm concerned with the huntresses/priestess of shar though. I really need to find a good source of cheap jaguar/tiger models. I was thinking ouf using the wood-elf warhawk rider legs from GW and combining them with the dark elf warrior upper bodies. I'll use green stuff to make them female.
I'm really looking for ideas/feedback for this army, since this would be my first major fantasy type project. |
Alias Zero | 24 Sep 2004 6:07 a.m. PST |
Dah! too much looking at miniatures, should've been Night Elves |
Thane Morgan | 24 Sep 2004 7:30 a.m. PST |
I'm not familiar with them. Are they from specific background, or are they something you are creating? Reaper has a male and female lion in 28mm, I'm not sure how wellthe female lion would do as a jaguar. Ral Partha/Iron Wind had an africa pack with some big cats, but they wre true 25mm, so might be too small. I think Reaper has a sabertooth, too. Might be too big though. It sounds like a cool idea, be sure to send me the list for the website :) |
AndrewGPaul | 24 Sep 2004 7:42 a.m. PST |
He's meaning the Night elves from the WarCraft 3 computer game. |
Splintered Light Miniatures  | 24 Sep 2004 8:20 a.m. PST |
Old Glory / Westwind has a cats of the arena pack for their gladiator game. |
Thane Morgan | 24 Sep 2004 8:47 a.m. PST |
Ahhhh cool. I never played beyond WC 1. |
Alias Zero | 24 Sep 2004 9:50 a.m. PST |
Thane: http://www.battle.net/war3/nightelf/units/ It just seems like an army that would be cool if done correctly. And since I've given up WHFB in favor of AoA, i figure its a worthy project. |
Thane Morgan | 13 Jan 2005 10:26 a.m. PST |
Long time for a followup... I've been playing WoW (as night elf) and been thinking about how to do this as well. Shape changing in general is something I've toyed with in the past,mostly in terms of chaos beasts and lycanthropes, but druids are something many races or armies would have access to. Reaper has a female lion that you could probably get to have exclusively cast to make a unit, they would look fairly close to panthers. If you do it in 15mm, I'm getting panthers done for the amazon army for riding. |
Thane Morgan | 13 Jan 2005 10:28 a.m. PST |
Also, I really like the deer hippogriffs, any ideas on those? |