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Armies of Arcana

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Hundvig Fezian04 Aug 2002 8:58 a.m. PST

Hey Thane, is there an ETA on the new version of AoA yet? I've been putting off on getting the rules until the shiny new printing hits, and I'm getting kind of antsy...


The Lost Soul04 Aug 2002 1:15 p.m. PST

Yes!! Let us know!! My son spilled my cup of water (from painting) all over my 3rd edition copy. I figure I will wait to get the fourth!

That will teach me to keep rulebooks near my painting area!

Turtle04 Aug 2002 11:50 p.m. PST

Last I heard, he's on the final stretch. Proof-reading & layout.

I, too, am waiting for this, after reading through AoA 3rd I want more! ;)

Although I feel kinda bad for ordering a package from him during the final crunch time.

captain arjun Fezian05 Aug 2002 2:16 a.m. PST

Heheh. I have been bugging Thane about this, and he is currently going through the final draft before it gets sent to the printer. Needs to get the points right, he said. The date he gave was Wednesday (to be sent to the printers, that is). Let's leave the guy alone so he can get it finished, eh?

Hundvig Fezian05 Aug 2002 5:31 a.m. PST

I was just asking...


captain arjun Fezian05 Aug 2002 5:43 a.m. PST

Hey, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to sound like I am reprimanding you or anything. Notice I started the whole message with 'Heheh'? Fact is, I actually emailed him to ask about the thing, which makes ME the guilty one.

Sorry, Hundvig.

Thane Morgan05 Aug 2002 7:48 a.m. PST

I've got all proofread copies back, and am finishing the adjustments. I expect to announce wendsday that the rules are being printed and bound. A bit longer than planned, but the rules will be better for it, and that's what's important.

Don't feel bad about bugging me about it, it keeps my feet in the fire :) It only takes a few minutes to respond to email or fill out an order, so its just not a source of delay.


Hundvig Fezian05 Aug 2002 10:41 a.m. PST

Hot diggety. That's sooner than expected.

S'alright, arjun, I was just kidding.


Turtle05 Aug 2002 11:55 a.m. PST

Woohoo! My Elf army is currently getting based, so by the time I'm done I can go order my lizardment and the new rules. *drool*

captain arjun Fezian06 Aug 2002 4:57 a.m. PST

You hurt my feelings, Hundvig! (heheh)
And hi, Turtle!

Say, since we are all in on AoA, anyone want to maybe discuss the possibility of a PBEM campaign thingy?

And Thane, when should I send off the order?

Thane Morgan06 Aug 2002 8:38 a.m. PST

I'll make an announcement here and on the website, and update the catalog to reflect the new book on the same day, once the printing is started.

It's funny, I got 4 different proof-readers, and about 75% of suggested corrections were unique to each one of them :)


Hundvig Fezian07 Aug 2002 6:05 a.m. PST

That's why you HAVE four different proof-readers, remember? Nice to see a man who really cares about the quality of his product.


Thane Morgan07 Aug 2002 9:45 a.m. PST

I'm making final touches to the army lists and recalculating points one last time while waiting for quotes to come back.

Ever want to drive yourself crazy? Use a complicated point system to calculate the values of about 400 troops and monsters at once...

Turtle07 Aug 2002 11:43 a.m. PST

Hm... you do your work in spreadsheets right?

Can't you rig up some equation system in excel to calculate the point values for you?

Thane Morgan14 Aug 2002 9:40 a.m. PST

Robert McClenahan made such a spread sheet, but it requires everything to be entered just so, and splits up single boxes into multiple ones for different modify'ing abilites. It would require reentering all of the lists into that format, which is more work than it is worth. It is great for doing single units or armies though.

Armies of Arcana 4 is being printed as we speak! It should be available August 23rd. People may preorder now at the website. The website itself will be convulsing into new forms and linkages for the new few weeks.

I don't know what stores or distributors will be interested, at least at first. I will happily sell through either, but it may take some word of mouth to get it into the mainstream channels.

I will be putting an announcement up on the miniatures page in the next few days.


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