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Armies of Arcana

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Thane Morgan15 Aug 2002 10:42 p.m. PST

I've only been promising to do this for a year, but all that extra time was well used. Details about what's in the new book can be found at
More details about the game can be linked to from there. The book can be preordered from the website. Stores are welcome to e-mail about carrying the game until a distibutor is found.
By this time next week, the support section of the website will be updated to include updates of three more army lists (Dragon Clans, Wolfmen, Swamp Goblins), bringing the number of armies lists available to 21!

Autarch16 Aug 2002 4:37 a.m. PST

and there was much rejoicing!

congrats on getting it all done Thane, i look forward to holding it in my grubby little paws.

can't wait

captain arjun Fezian16 Aug 2002 5:56 a.m. PST

Say, Thane, how about keeping us updated on how many pre-orders you've got so far and what the say first month sale is like later?

Thane Morgan16 Aug 2002 9:16 a.m. PST

Probably not the former, but the latter is doable.

The best part of this for me is that I'll finally have time to paint again. I've had a whole Reaper Miniatures undead army based and primed for like 2 months now.

captain arjun Fezian16 Aug 2002 7:21 p.m. PST

2 months only? I've got some Ral Partha Elves from the eighties...

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