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"Armies of Arcana,Gods work?" Topic

Armies of Arcana

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jinxd1324 Sep 2002 3:41 p.m. PST

Thane Morgan you rock!Thank you so much for AoA.This is the game that changed my whole outlook on gaming.Games Scamshop was draining me for every spare dollar I had until I found Thanes Games.Now I have more 15mm minis than I`ll ever paint.I now have about 5 armies Im working on,try doing that with Warhammer.Anyone looking to get away from GW has to check AoA out.Thank you Thane.

Loyal fan of 2yrs Robert

squirmydad24 Sep 2002 6:25 p.m. PST

5 armies? Just curious, and as an experiment, how much did 5 armies for AoA cost in 15mm? How much would an equivalent number of armies and figs cost from GW?

jinxd1324 Sep 2002 7:06 p.m. PST

I have all of maybe $400 invested.That equals out to be about 300 minis that are painted and probably about 300 that arent.Most of them being the more exspensive Demonworld line.Has anyone done that with GW?BTW:that mini count seems a little low,thanks for bringing it up now I have something to do down here during the hurricane.

Thanks alot Thane,for making the wolfman army now I will have 6 armies to

Thane Morgan24 Sep 2002 8:23 p.m. PST

Hmm, if God could make a game, what would it be like?

Oh yeah, Earth :) I wonder where I drafted...

Thanks for the way-over-the-top praise. You should take some pictures of those armies and do a write up on them.

jinxd1325 Sep 2002 4:17 a.m. PST

Hope I`ll be able to soon,just moved into a new house so still trying to get everything taken care of.

Psycho Rabbit25 Sep 2002 6:05 a.m. PST

Well if the game comes with that kind of regard, I suppose a closer look is in order.

jinxd1325 Sep 2002 9:05 a.m. PST

Ok,I just did a approx.count of the figs.It looks like the number of the minis was right but the price was off.I will change that to about $350 worth,even less.That includes dragons,giants,heroes,chariots/battlewagons,giant spiders,giant scorpians,wizards and lots of other stuff.I have units as small as 8 guys and up to 45 figs.The armies are Dwarves,Elf,Ork/goblin,Dark Elves and one very large evil/chaos army with skeletons,zombies and humans.Wow,just about every army Ive ever theres still more.15mm is great you can use 25/28mm monsters and they look huge,giants look like giants,dragons look like dragons etc.etc.

Davidsminipainting25 Sep 2002 12:57 p.m. PST

I just purchased AOA from heritage crest minatures and am very pleased with what I have read so far I am using Pendraken 10mm Fantasy and Samurai and AIM 10mm Romans and cant wait to try out the rules! And I am very impressed with Thanes games that you will never have to buy another rule book again because when they come out with a new edition all the cahnges are posted on their web site VERY COOL and great customer support thanks Thane! I cant wait to see 300 Samurai and a Undead army go against each other!

Javier Barriopedro aka DokZ19 Oct 2002 10:28 p.m. PST

First thing I thought when I read this topic was: "You're preaching to the choir."

I got my AoA from a friend who moved to another country and never got to play a single game. What a waste.

This man Thane, is Heaven sent, yes.

I just hope I amass enough dough to blow it away in his store.

P.S.: You do ship over to Mexico City, right, Thane? And I used to be in Tijuana for a while... I mean, Tijuana is closer to Albuquerque that Mexico City is. Man, one more reason to miss that small zit of a city! =D

Thane Morgan21 Oct 2002 7:01 a.m. PST

I'll ship anywhere. send me an e-mail.

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