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"Any Armies of Arcana Players in the Central Florida Area ?" Topic

Armies of Arcana

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Personal logo Inari7 Supporting Member of TMP06 Nov 2002 12:53 p.m. PST

I live in Orlando and was wondering if there were any players here in the area, for this great looking game. are there alot of people who switched from Warhammer to play this game? ......Doug

PapaSync06 Nov 2002 5:24 p.m. PST

I'm in the Orlando area and visit Scifi city every so often. I'm not playing any fantasy yet but I am looking to put together a Chronopia army. How is this game and are the minis interchanable?

Personal logo Inari7 Supporting Member of TMP06 Nov 2002 5:59 p.m. PST

Armies of Arcana is a generic fantasy Miniature battles game the back of the book has a points system for making your own units and characters if you can't find anything like your troops in the many armylists it has. I have have not played a game yet, but It looks real nice you can read more about the rules at .....Doug

The Lost Soul06 Nov 2002 9:38 p.m. PST

If I may add here,

I've been playing Armies of Arcana for 3 years now. You can use any miniatures of any scale with it. It is mass combat and has a "bigger" feel to it than Chronopia. I love the game. Feel free to email me with any questions you have about it -


PapaSync07 Nov 2002 4:00 p.m. PST

I will admit that Im more partial to skirmish type games. Is that doable with AoA? Inari...Where in Orlando are you from? I'm out of Lake Mary (next exit after LongWood off I4).

The Lost Soul07 Nov 2002 9:53 p.m. PST

AoA has a set of skirmish modifications on Thane's Games website (

Personal logo Inari7 Supporting Member of TMP08 Nov 2002 7:56 a.m. PST

I am out of Winter Garden,(West of Orlando last exit on the 408) I go to Sci-Fi City about once or twice a month on Saturdays, (I used to go just about every weekend but kids get in the way) I also go just about every friday, but I run a DnD game and I am unable to play miniatures. If you are interested in Skirmish maybe "Armies" I will work I will have to see. I don't know any good skirmish rules except Mordheim that I only played once a long time ago. How many figures do you want to play with or what is your idea of a skirmish battle. When I think of a skirmish battle I am thinking of a squad of figures say 6-12 Miniatures per side. ...... Doug

PapaSync08 Nov 2002 5:13 p.m. PST

I'v never really played any Fantasy but Chronopia has been the First to really catch my interrest more that your typical tray(formation) movement type of game. I guess its because I mostly play SF (40k, Sace Hulk, Shockforce, Warzone, and want to start a Mech style - CAV by Reaper). Im used to putting down 20-30 figs for a skirmish. Though I do enjoy smaller games too. If you'er interrested, Chronpia new rules has just been released. Excelsior games picked it up from Target (along with Warzone) last year and they're starting to get it along. I have a human and elf army about 20 fig for each army . Right now they're just primed. Someday I'll find time to paint all this. I haven't been to SciFi City for a while I always spend too much when I go there. At least my wife thinks so. .....Dave

Thane Morgan10 Nov 2002 10:37 a.m. PST

I just updated the AoA skirmishers rules modification, it is here:

There are very few changes to the rules, just a few things to limit unit size, reduce the power of magic, and run characters as individuals. We played this way this weekend in a 2000 point game (which is about as large as I'd play this modification with), and it was a lot of fun and took less than an hour.

Personal logo Inari7 Supporting Member of TMP11 Nov 2002 4:39 p.m. PST

Right now I am playing mage knight and Heroclix. I had played 40K and Warhammer fantasy but the Gw games began changing the rules and there were to much cheese in some of the army lists. If you would like to get together at sci-fi some time and we can compaire armies and the Chronopia systems. Does Chronopia have a system to make your own stats for figures that are not made by Chronopia? I Use figures from all lines including Chronopia. I will be there at Sci-Fi in a few weeks so let me know thanks. Doug

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