"Armies of Arcana 25mm conversions" Topic
6 Posts
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Mackie | 05 Dec 2002 5:52 p.m. PST |
I started getting into the fantasy wargame genre about a year ago. Warhammer sparked my interest in this area. I'm now trying to get off the Warhammer bandwagon and reviewed several other mass combat fantasy games, most noticeably Armies of Arcana. Is this the best all-around mass combat fantasy game where 1 model equals 1 figure or are there better mass combat games on a 1 to 1 model scale? I still have a lot of Warhammer minis and wanted to know how easily they convert to Armies of Arcana. Do the bases need to be changed or are some units unusable in Armies of Arcana? I appreciate any input on these subjects. |
jinxd13 | 05 Dec 2002 6:02 p.m. PST |
Armies of Arcana will fit your needs perfectly..You will not need to change the bases..Once you go AoA you never go back.It is the best and only fantasy rules in my opinon.I beleive he has stats for some Warhamer on his site but dont worry if he doesnt then you can just use the point system he gives you and make your own stats. |
The Lost Soul | 05 Dec 2002 9:46 p.m. PST |
I second the above opinion. Armies of Arcana is awesome. I use lots of Warhammer figures in my armies, no changes needed. |
The Lost Soul | 06 Dec 2002 8:08 a.m. PST |
Hello, I further the endorsements of AoA, Probably the best part about AoA is that once you buy the rules once you will never have to buy the next version. AoA is not a 15mm game. Thane has changed that conception in the latest release of the rules. AoA is based on... bases. the folowing is from Thane's page: Base units - AoA went to a totally model scale - neutral system to make it clear 15's or 28's are equally acceptable. A base unit is the size of a single, typical infantry base, and would typically be 15mmX15mm for 15mm scale figures or 1" X 1" for 28mm scale figures. A base 2 model would have two of these bases (ie 1" x 2"), a base 4 would be 4 of these bases, (2" x 2") and a base:9 would be 9 of these bases (3" x 3"). A base 1/2 is really 2 /3 the size of single base in dimension, which comes out to be about 1/2 in area, so 10mm x 10mm in 15mm scale, or 2/3" x 2/3" (5/8" is close enough). Base size affects how well things can overrun or be overrun, and affect how the models gain and inflict morale penalties. Also, players can use larger or smaller standards for their base 1 models if they are playing with unusually sized or multibased figures, so for instance an armati stand size could be the definition of a Base :1. I hope that this helps, AoA is a VERY good game and is one of the few I have seen where magic is useful but not overwelming in it's use.
The Lost Soul | 07 Dec 2002 5:34 p.m. PST |
I am currently building a Naga army from Clan War. I am able to create my own balanced army list that represents many of the special abilities that Naga use. Thus a 25/28mm army is born. The only thing to do is play with someone that has the same size figs. --Micah
Inari7  | 07 Dec 2002 5:49 p.m. PST |
I have to agree with the messages above me. AoA is one of the best systems I have seen ( I to am an old Warhammer Player) most of the warhammer armies can be converted if not already on the army lists in the back. The best part of the game is that you can use any figures and you don't have to pay for extra army books it's all there in one book. The game can be used for 25mm, 15mm, even 6mm if you want to do alot of tiny basing. LOL I am going to convert my snake army (Off the wall miniatures) to AoA soon. I have goblin and Orc army from my warhammer days. I can't wait to start playing. |