"What minis do you use for Armies of Arcana?" Topic
10 Posts
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Alias Zero | 25 Aug 2004 3:25 a.m. PST |
I personally use 25-28mm Reaper, GW and BTD for my dwarves; and GW Empire for my, well, Empire. What do you use?
Wastenott | 25 Aug 2004 4:20 a.m. PST |
I picked up the Tomb Kings battalion box set this past winter and I'm in the process of painting them up right now for Armies of Arcana gaming. I'll supplement this set with Reaper, Grenadier and Ral Partha figs (although I may need another box or two of GW's plastic skellies to round out the list). I haven't played yet, but I like would I've read of the AA rules so far! |
JoeHlebasko | 25 Aug 2004 4:38 a.m. PST |
I game in the 15/18mm scale. So the mfgs I use are: - Black Raven - Best bang for buck (quality and price) - Demonworld - Best Sculpt (IMHO) - Chariot - good sculpting - true 15mm - some of the old Reaper 15mm stuff - Grenadier Warlords (OOP) - Ral Partha Battlesystem (OOP) - Rank & File Fantasy (OOP) I regret that I did not buy more of the Ral Partha 3-4 years ago when it was very abundant on Ebay, now not many packs show up for auction. Oh well.... I've toyed with the idea of creating a couple of armies in 25/28mm for kicks and not to mention to paint all that detail. |
teboj17 | 25 Aug 2004 6:19 a.m. PST |
Originaly I was going to do it in 15mm and bought a few pack of Demonworld's wood elfs, But now I am planning on doing 25mm and am going to use some GW wood elves that I got a good deal on (buy 2 blister and get one free) and I have just recently bought some Harlequin undead, dwarves and wood elfs on ebay for a great price. I also plan on using some of the old Metal magic undead skeletons that I picked up from discount hobbies from their deal of 24 for $15 I think it was. Anyways this is what I plan on using, but they are not even sheduled to be paint yet. |
Hundvig  | 25 Aug 2004 6:31 a.m. PST |
For 25-28mm games, a mix of mostly GW plastics and Reaper. For 15mm, mostly Demonworld, with a few Black Raven and (heh) Flames of War minis thrown in. Rich |
Splintered Light Miniatures  | 25 Aug 2004 7:21 a.m. PST |
I am going to use the GW LOTR stuff with Armies of Arcana in 28mm but the majority of my fantasy gaming is in 15/18mm. I have Black Raven Foundry, Demonworld (great sculpts), Thane's wolfen and snakemen (also great figures), chariot (true 15mm but smaller than many current lines), Ral Partha, Grenadier, Tin Soldier, Irregular, Reaper and probably a few others that I can't remember now. I play a lot of Fantasy Rules! but am planning to do a barbarian army using Demonworld Thain figures as well as others for AoA. In my wolf clan I have regular human soldiers, elite human units, wolfmen, a wolf pack, and human riders and dire wolves. My goal is to do that type of army list for each of the 5 clans (Eagle, Wolf, Lion, Boar, and Bear)
1905Adventure | 25 Aug 2004 1:21 p.m. PST |
In the past I used 15mm Rank and File medieval miniatures. I currently don't play any sort of *pure* fantasy game. |
andrewgr | 25 Aug 2004 1:25 p.m. PST |
I currently have 3 painted armies: 25mm Ral Partha Dwarves, Bob Olley sculpts 25mm Ral Partha Elves, Chris Fitzpatrick scultps 15mm Essex Medieval Humans I am in the process of painting: 15mm Demonworld Orcs And I have purchased to get to in the future: 25mm Ral Partha Goblins, Bob Olley sculpts 25mm Crocodile Fantasy Egyptians, Chris Fitzpatrick sculpts Average army size is around 300 miniatures, some a bit more, some a bit less. |
John Leahy  | 25 Aug 2004 4:09 p.m. PST |
I have Partha, Grenadier, Black Raven, some Reaper, Alternative Armies, Irregular and a few Essex. Nathan, we seem to share a lot of the same interests! :-) Thanks, John |
jimbeau | 25 Aug 2004 4:17 p.m. PST |
Eureka minatures are great minis! I have some pics of eureka orcs at http:www.tablegamer.com/gallery/minis jim |