"Armies of Arcana-base size" Topic
9 Posts
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sirwallingford | 26 Dec 2004 2:43 p.m. PST |
I just purchased Armies of Arcana from Thane's website. Just curious about base sizes for the big monsters. Do they have to be a certain size?(28mm-monsters are the big Reaper styled monsters) If they are consistent, is that OK? I am looking forward to giving the game a go. I've been looking at it for awhile now. |
Nukuhiva | 26 Dec 2004 3:07 p.m. PST |
The actual measurements do not matter, as long as the monster bases are in the correct relationship to the smaller ones. If a regular trooper is size '1', a cavalry guy is size '2' (frontage 1, 2 deep), and monsters, warmachines, etc. are virtually all either size '4'(frontage 2, 2 deep), or size '9'(frontage 3, 3 deep). |
JoeHlebasko | 26 Dec 2004 4:14 p.m. PST |
If you are using the 15mm base sizes, 30mm x 30mm would do for the base 4 monsters. As long as the model fits on the base. This is what I do I use the 28mm figures for my Armies of Arcana monsters. If you are asking what base size to use for a 28mm army, I only have 15mm armies. Joe |
Thane Morgan | 26 Dec 2004 4:38 p.m. PST |
I think you mean how some of the large monsters spread out a lot more than a normal base 9. Thats ok, just acount for it when you line up against it - only 5 bases can contact across the front, etc. A lot of the bigger reaper creatures I don't even base, and dragon tails can go on a long ways. |
brambledemon | 26 Dec 2004 5:30 p.m. PST |
Ok. Yep, Thane, thats what I was getting at. Almost all my fantasy armies are 28-30mm, and the monsters are a variety of sizes(mostly Reaper). (I was using my brothers account, by the way) I just don't want to have to rebase. I base all my human sized figures on 1" bases. Most of the medium sized Reaper monsters are based upon two 1" bases.(the size of the cavarly bases-apporximately) Some of my larger monsters are also on big circle bases. I guess I may have to square them off. How does the army construction work? Are there a series of baseline troop types and then some kind of monster manual which you pull troops from? |
Thane Morgan | 26 Dec 2004 9:21 p.m. PST |
Bases are dependent on scale, and all that is really critical is that you and your opponent use the same size. In general, 15mm figures are based on 15mmX15mm squares, and 15/28/32 mm on 1" squares. Cavalry go on double bases, one in front of the other (base:2). Larger, ogre sized things go on Base 4's (2"x2"). Really big things go on 3"X3" bases (Base 9). Base size matters for how things line up, get surrounded, overruning smaller units, and morale. But, since its very easy to figure out how things line up whether the bases are perfect or not, you don't need to get too uptight about it. I've got some figures on 40mm bases, and many on round bases, so don't feel like you need to rebase. Just keep the real size right in your head. Army construction is based on a 60%/40% system - 60% of the points must come from "regular" troops, and the other 40% can be heroes, monsters, artillery, or other "elite" troops. A lot of people like "high" fantasy where you get more of a mix, so you can agree to take non-elite monsters as regular troops as well. Naturally you can make scenarios instead, but the point system is very robust, and included in the book so you can make units and forces with a high level of balance to what already exists. |
brambledemon | 27 Dec 2004 3:44 p.m. PST |
Cool. I'm glad I took the plunge. I can now use all my Crucible armies. I have a Beastman (Tauren) army, a Mercernary army(Reaper), a Firstborn army(Chronopia), Romanish styled army, Barbarian army, Elf army, Celtic themed army...man, I am a sick dude:) If my wife knew how many armies I have-she'd kill me:) These are full bore fully painted armies. I'll have to play a game or two and send you the pics Thane. |
Thane Morgan | 27 Dec 2004 5:28 p.m. PST |
Heck yes! Send the picts, I'll put them up. What are the tauren? I've never heard of them. I'm at 7 15mm and 3 28mm armies for fantasy gamng myself, plus 2 sci fi armies, and a big fleet of star ships. My wife encourages it, because she can use it against me to buy what she wants :) |
brambledemon | 27 Dec 2004 10:50 p.m. PST |
The Tauren were Beastmen from the now dead game called the Crucible. The army also has werewolves and satyr. I had to paint them up for a friend who was running a demo for Crucible at Gen Con right before the game came out. Oh ya, I forgot, I have an Orc army. The Tauren army and Orc army were both given to me by Fasa/Partha before they went out of business. i actually started giving away tons of the Orcs. I had boxes of the damn things-and I knew I wasn't going to ever finish painting the figures. I think I gave away a Bane/demon army also. It took unbelievable amounts of effort to get the figures ship/shape. FYI-I was joking about the wife-she doesn't care. This hobby is so cheap compared to my friends boats...motorcycles..etc Though she did put her foot down when I wanted to buy the entire line of Vallejo paints:) Plus a whole line of my own figures....which I will get around to fully releasing when my schedule lightens up. Thane, you can check out some of the sculpts on Discount Hobbies shop under Knight Terror Games. I have my own game, but I prefer writing fluff(background material)-to writing rules. So, it takes me forever and a day to write rulesets. I admire anyone who can stick to it-and get the product out the door. When I take the plunge into sci-fi I am going to hook up with someone else to write the rules. I'll just create the figures and the story backdrop/world. I find that part of the whole process more enjoyable and relaxing. |