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Armies of Arcana

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Meiczyslaw27 Jan 2005 4:03 p.m. PST

Our wonderful experience with Starmada and BFG models (and it's Xtreme Hobby's fault) has got us casting about for a similar product for our various fantasy armies.

Primarily, we're looking for answers to two questions:

1) Is AoA flexible enough to support introduction of Skaven, Scorpion Clan, and historical figs, etc., and reflect each faction's special character?

2) How strict are the basing rules? As you can tell from the previous question, our 28mm figs are based slightly differently - but we also have access to smaller armies (Warmaster) and don't want to go about rebasing.

Alias Zero27 Jan 2005 4:49 p.m. PST

1) Of course it is. It takes time to create a new army list, but the benefits are well worth the time

2) My group hasn't had a problem, and we use mostly GW. Since orcs in WHFB (25mm base) and Dwarves (20mm base) are both Base 1 in AoA, you have know the general unit dimmensions. But don't sweat the correct base size. Worst case, you put little pieces of cardboard to fatten your 20's up to have 25mm frontage.

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP27 Jan 2005 7:58 p.m. PST

Well, Ares is also from Majestic 12 games. I have used it in a big battle variant with 100's of troops on the table with no problem in about 3 hours. There is a FREE pdf available at MJ12's website.


John an ARES fan!

llyrric27 Jan 2005 8:47 p.m. PST

There is already a ratmen list in the book as well as several historical army lists. As to whether it captures the flavor of each, it is debatable. I think it captures enough, but it does not distinguish armies to the point where you need different army books and special rules. But I can guarentee you that Elves play very different from Dwarves and Romans and Samurai etc... so I guess it just depends on the level of differential you are looking for.

You ca fudge the basing by using casualty caps or dice to mark wounds if you have units based together ala Warmaster. While I think it's better to have them individually based for the game, it is not too hard to get around it if you have your units based differently.

Thane Morgan27 Jan 2005 11:44 p.m. PST

The rats are in the book, though I need to add the Jezzails. A player here has just crossed over with a rat army, so we are working out the best way to run them. I think rat ogre stats are needed, but can be easily fudged by adding 2" of movement to normal ogre stats.

Coincidentally, I'm going to post up a disease magic list tomorrow for playtesting, Rats and Undead are two of the armies that should definitely have access to it.

One thing you will probably want is some ratman archers. I'm told GW didn't make any, but they are in their AoA army list.

The AoA rat list has fast infantry, moving 8" instead of the normal 6", and they can swim. There are three levels of basic warriors (slaves, warriors and master warriors), plus assassins and scouts with infiltration. I'm told the assassins are generally much more effective in AoA than WHB, as they have high skill and evasion. Most of the heros are evasion 2, meaning they don't get hit much by enemies. Just forget about fighting them in water.

There is a samurai list. You may want to add a few touches or troop types to specifically match the character of the scorpion clan of 5R.

Basically, you can build a light infantry mass army with most any army list, and it won't look much different than any other light infantry mass army. It is the options in the mid level and upper level troops that make the armies distictive, except in cases where the basic skill set is very different (wolfen speed, undead arrow immunity and fearlessness, snake multiattacks and large size, demon magical armor and fearlessness, roman discipline and missile fire and missile defense, halfing evasion, and so on).

For the human historical options, I generally made the army lists with the flavor of idealized and mythological representations of those armies. The Romans testudo is nearly impervious to missile fire, so much so that unengaged units happily throw into the combats with engaged units. They have exceptionally powerful children of the gods heros. Samurai have first strike and fearlessness, plus access to ninja and monks. Barbarians have many cavalry options, and heavy javelins they can also use in melee. Arabians have carpet riders and powerful, fearless Eunuchs and assassins.

A major difference I've been informed of from WHFB players is that you often want units close together and supporting each other, since you don't have the worry of one units failed morale collapsing a whole flank.

It is very easy to work around different basing standards in the game.

Jishin28 Jan 2005 10:12 a.m. PST

(: Access to ninja is good. The Scorpion Clan in Clan War is all about ninja and assassins, and is quick on the initiative. And they use every other dirty trick they can think of .... I wonder if I'll be able to do the smokepots. (:

The rat force sounds very nice. I do make extensive use of Jezzails - I got the whopping 15 Jezzails needed to play one of the old scenarios, so I'll be looking forward to your rules. Ratman archers ... more conversions! (Oh, I'm going to be broke again ... as if the Rat Marines weren't enough ... )

Thanks, Thane! Your rules sound very flexible! (:

Meiczyslaw28 Jan 2005 12:48 p.m. PST

For those of you who haven't been here a while, Jishin = the wife. ;)

I suspect there's going to be a purchase of various games online. I've promised myself no new minis until I've gotten my ships painted, but I didn't say anything about rules. }:D

Meiczyslaw28 Jan 2005 12:49 p.m. PST

Actually, now that I think about it ...

Thane, does AoA ship with a DYO template?

Thane Morgan28 Jan 2005 3:31 p.m. PST

Yes, the point system is in the book, it is used for all of the units in the game, and its pretty robust in the face of abuse.

Meiczyslaw28 Jan 2005 4:49 p.m. PST

Meaning we can twist or warp it to fit how we think an army should play. It's one of the few complaints I have with Warmaster - without a DYO system, there's a lot of guessing going on if you're trying to change things. (Jishin wasn't real pleased with the way the Warmaster Skaven played. *Great* models, however.)

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