"Armies of Arcana" Topic
9 Posts
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Mordante | 31 Jan 2006 1:18 p.m. PST |
Hopefully some of you AoA players or Thane will see this
A large group of players in San Diego just picked up rulebooks and plan to start playing AoA. I'm writing spreadsheets to calc new unit costs and am having some problems figuring out the costs. Exactly what costs are multiplied by the #wounds a model has? It is not very clear in the book. Lets just start with that question first, and if I get a response I'll follow up with more. look forward to playing the game, it looks like fun. |
KD7SVH | 31 Jan 2006 1:31 p.m. PST |
This is the formula I once posted to the thanesgames Yahoo group which I believe is correct. Hopefully this helps I see the formula as (extra parens for simplicity): Move + ((Armor + Armor Options + Magic) * Wounds) + Morale + (((Melee Str + Melee Options) * Skill Factor) * Attacks) + (((Missile Str + Missile Options) * Skill Factor) * Range Factor) + Special |
andrewgr | 31 Jan 2006 2:59 p.m. PST |
Mordante, You really should join the Thanesgames Yahoo group: link |
Thane Morgan | 31 Jan 2006 3:34 p.m. PST |
Basically, you add up the various abilities' point costs, then multiply that by wounds. Typically, this is Armor, evasion, flying, arrow immunity, shield, missile defense bonus, and/or slowness. You can also add in the magic resistance and magic sensitivieties and immunities, since those also get multiplied by the wounds. There are errata on the site for some troops that were miscalculated or mistyped. The orc, giant and samurai lists have the bulk of the errors. A few troops have been modified since as well. There are definitely ways to abuse the system, but they are pretty obvious – 10 wound unarmored figures with ten skill 2 melee attacks, 10" of movement and 7 fearless morale for instance. Opponents can always veto the homemade stuff; and as in the case above, insult the other player AND his mom for trying to put that crap on the table :) |
Hundvig  | 31 Jan 2006 5:05 p.m. PST |
AND his mom? That's harsh, Thane. :) |
Thane Morgan | 01 Feb 2006 8:48 a.m. PST |
She shoulda taught him better. |
Mordante | 01 Feb 2006 10:33 a.m. PST |
Thane, It is still unclear what you multiply by the # of wounds. The formula given by KD7SVH multiplies only to armor and magic, yet you said in your post many other things. I would guess there is a set formula somewhere, isn't there? I've got a spreadsheet set up already for 1 wound models that I've checked against a few existing units and it seems to work fine. I don't think our group will have much problem cheesing out the system, most of us are not the cheesy type (I hope). I just want to make some skinks with javalins (the amphibs in the LM list don't have that option right now) and a unit of tyrosaurs with better armor and halberds so I can use my teple Guard models for something. I'll check here again as well, but I've already joined the AoA yahoo group as well. We are going to do some tryout games on Sunday with 4-6 of us, using our WFB armies. I'll let you know how it goes. |
llyrric | 01 Feb 2006 12:13 p.m. PST |
Lay out the stats and we can do it real quick. I have a spreadsheet that I use already for just such a purpose. |
Thane Morgan | 01 Feb 2006 1:52 p.m. PST |
the point system rules are in the book, just before the army lists IIRC. Another copy of the point system is here: link So, for example, if a model had 3 wounds, Armor 3 fixed, Evasion 1, missile immunity, flying and a magic resistance of 3, it would have a defense cost of (8+6+5+3+3)=25 X 3 wounds, or 75 points. that doesn't include the costs of moving, attacking or other special abilities. Basically, this guy's defense is already costing more than 7 normal complete troops. |