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Armies of Arcana

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798 hits since 16 Jan 2017
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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15mm Gnome02 Sep 2006 9:04 p.m. PST

I would like to try this game with 15mm figures.
Before buying the rulebook, I have some question about the game.

How long does a game last?
What is the size of the table?
What is the size of base?
How many figures need in a typical game?

Thanks in advance!

llyrric03 Sep 2006 4:07 a.m. PST

How long? Depends on the number of figures you use. About 1 hr for a smallish battle (4000 pts- 5 to 7 units) to 3 hrs for a bigger battle (10000 pts – 15 to 20 units).

Table size? I'd say a 6x4 will do just fine in 15mm. A 4X4 will allow you to play all but the biggest games, but the bigger the table, the more maneuver room you will have.

Base size? Its individual basing. For 15mm Thane the rules say 15mm squares(for regular troops- bigger troop types and monsters get bigger bases 30mm square and 45mm square repectively), but you could use anything around that. As long as both armys are based ther same, you could really use anything, but 15mm.

How many figures? See answer to the first question. It depends on how big of a game you want. If you figure each regular unit is about 20 guys, you can do the math from the number of units I listed above to get an estimate. It will, of course, depend on the army you play as the troop types have slightly different costs.

Check out the Thanesgames website for lots of info and links to armies other people have made to get an idea.(Of course 4 of those links are too my armies and they don't work anymore as I moved and lost my old website—need to remember to send the HTML files to Thane) You can also get any questions answered at the active Yahoo group

llyrric03 Sep 2006 4:09 a.m. PST

Wow, that came out with a lot of errors. Good thing most of the grammer police aren't into fantasy. :)

DrDman03 Sep 2006 4:13 a.m. PST

I have been playing this game for a little more than a year now. Once you get the hangof things the game goes quite quickly and smoothly. We typically play a 5000 pt game (2000 pt per side equivalent to WHFB in number of models) in 3 hours. This includes setup and cleanup. So about 2 hours. For a 5000 pt game we use a 4'x4' or 4x6'. The bases are 15mm square/ 15mm x 30mm/ 30mm square/ 45mm square. For a 5000 pt game 150-175 per side depending on which army and monsters you choose. We picked it up quickly and this is the only fantasy game my group plays except for Warmaster. It works well with 28mm and nothing has to change except for bases, just double the basing. 15mm is the way to go though, relatively inexpensive compared to 28mm and takes up so little space.

WagesofSin04 Sep 2006 5:57 a.m. PST

Can someone post the site for thanes games?

15mm Gnome04 Sep 2006 6:06 a.m. PST
David Gray04 Sep 2006 8:14 a.m. PST

Thane games doesn't seem to respond to emails.

Thane Morgan18 Dec 2006 12:04 p.m. PST

Sorry David, I get about 450 spam messages a day, and while I have filters to try to grab people who ask anything Arcana or wargaming related, sometimes messages still end up in the deleted file without me seeing them.

Sorry - only verified members can post on the forums.