DrDman | 15 Nov 2007 4:23 a.m. PST |
Hi, I got the brilliant idea of building 2 10mm armies for Armies of Arcana since I saw a site recommending Pendraken for WHFB. I always wanted to ty the 10mm scale and this gives me a reason to build small test armies cheaply. Right now I am building an Orc and Samurai army using GFI minis, by the way their service was excellent. I am curious how these would fit in with other 10mm manufacturers. I am an avid 15mm gamer and I see the scale mismatch often. I have painted a few of the Orcs and they came out nicely. I will have to take some pics. What would be the best setting for my camera, 1/3 or MP to take these pics? Where can I get some pics for ideas to paint Samurai and Ashigaru? |
Germy Bugger  | 15 Nov 2007 4:36 a.m. PST |
WarmasterCharlie | 15 Nov 2007 4:59 a.m. PST |
RocketToad | 15 Nov 2007 5:00 a.m. PST |
Post some pictures of the development in progress when you get a chance. Cheers. |
Hundvig  | 15 Nov 2007 7:16 a.m. PST |
Interesting idea. How are you dealing with casualties, though? AoA is very much a "remove each figure individually" game, while most 10mm figs are cast in strips. You using casualty caps and just faking it? |
WarmasterCharlie | 15 Nov 2007 8:18 a.m. PST |
Actually, from what I can tell, it's about a 50/50 split between strip casting and individuals. All of GFI's stuff is individual (where he got both armies), so that's covered. Of course, individually basing 10mm figures is something else. Then again, there's nothing stopping him from putting a couple guys on a 25mm base, and removing the entire base as a casualty to get more of that mass battle effect. |
quasar42 | 15 Nov 2007 9:29 a.m. PST |
Hi, GFI Samurai are somewhat chunkier than Pendraken Samurai. Differences in infantry are not so bad, particularly if in different units. GFI cavalry are significantly bigger than Pendraken. I would not recommend using both together, even in different units. Magister Militum has also a nice line of "10mm" Samurai, but their figures are even bigger than GFI. Some of their figures however complement the other lines well. For example, their command pack has a drummer, which does not exist in the other line. And their Ashigaru musketeers are in my view better proportined then the ones from GFI. |
Rudysnelson | 15 Nov 2007 10:54 a.m. PST |
I really prefer the GFI Samurai. They also carry the AIM Fantasy as well. 10mm is the way to go when you have to paint mass armies for both sides. I use 10mm when playtesting mass rules and wish they had been around in the 1980s when I was doing WW2 and naps rules as well. I have also painted some Pendraken as well and were very pleased with most of the castings. |
DrDman | 15 Nov 2007 3:00 p.m. PST |
What I did is a little crazy. I got some Ever Green plastic styrene sheets that were like 9.7mm square and made individual bases that were 10mm square, 10mmx20mm, 20mmx20mm and 30mmx30mm. So far I based 20 Boar riders and about 40 Ork infantry. I will have to look at Pendraken or Kallistra for characters and chariots. I will take some pics when I have a complete unit finshed. My goal is to have a 3-4K game and then build up to 10K. I put magnets on the bottoms of the bases and will make movement trays from styrene with magnets on them. I can store about 40 or 50 in an Altoids tin, way cool. I thought 15mm paint fast. More to come but another question on the Samurai Sahsimono, do they make slide transfers for 10mm? Darius |
RocketToad | 15 Nov 2007 10:32 p.m. PST |
The Kallistra model range offers some superb options in that scale. |
DrDman | 16 Nov 2007 4:09 a.m. PST |
I am going to use Kallistra for my characters, Chariots and War Machines. I already use 10mm Pendraken Night Orks for 15mm Goblins in habits. Darius |
RocketToad | 16 Nov 2007 4:55 a.m. PST |
I have a few buddies at the club who use Kallistra to fill out the interesting characters etc. in their Warmaster lists. They work really well if a little out of scale. |