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"Any Canadian Armies of Arcana players here?" Topic

Armies of Arcana

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Zinkala19 Apr 2008 11:45 a.m. PST

I'm looking for people in Canada that play or are interested in playing Armies of Arcana. People in other countries don't need to feel left out you can reply too. I'll include you if I can. But I'm wanting to try and organise something with Canadian players.

Could you tell me:
What province you're in, city if you want?
How many people in your group?
How long have you played AoA?
What can I do to get people interested in trying out AoA?

Benoit Lescarbeau20 Apr 2008 5:20 a.m. PST

I'm from Montreal, and I'd be interested if I could find another player. As to getting people interested… I have no idea. If you find out, tell me, theres a couple of games I'd like to get people interested into!

Zinkala20 Apr 2008 10:33 a.m. PST

Looks like we're a pretty small group here! There's a new rulebook coming out sometime and was hoping to chat with people about how to get some interest generated in playing it. I love AoA and would like to hook up with more people to talk about it. I'm already on the forum but there's not a lot of Canadians real active there. I'd definitely be interested in hearing from people in the US or elswhere too.

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