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Armies of Arcana

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SeattleGamer Supporting Member of TMP03 May 2008 3:27 p.m. PST

I have been tempted for some time to give my many Warhammer Fantasy figures a different set of rules to play by. Armies of Arcana seems to fit what I'm looking for. Blocks of units, a minis-design system that will let me spec out what I have, etc.

Before I plunk down my limited hobby dollars, does anyone know if this set of rules is "about" to be updated? I'd hate to buy the current offering, only to discover that in the next month or two version "X+1" is coming out.


Sparrowhawk03 May 2008 4:27 p.m. PST

When I bought it it came with a guarantee that you would never have to buy another copy. Any and all updates/ revisions would be made available as free updates from the Armies of Arcana website. It was one of its main selling points for me.

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian03 May 2008 6:29 p.m. PST

Apparently, a new edition is coming: TMP link

SeattleGamer Supporting Member of TMP03 May 2008 7:45 p.m. PST

Wow! What timing. Thanks for that link Mr Editor. I never would have clicked on 28mm Hogmen, but there it was buried in the text, about a new edition of AoA.

Guess I should now pester Thanes Games about this so-called new edition. Nothing about it on their own web page!


IUsedToBeSomeone04 May 2008 12:32 a.m. PST

As far as I am aware, the new edition is not being produced by Thane Games, but is being produced through Terrain Warehouse (who produce the Hogmen).

I believe that a number of AoA gamers have bought the rights to the game and are producing an updated version.


Hundvig Fezian04 May 2008 11:12 a.m. PST

Thane sold the rights to AoA? Good heavens, what prompted that?

Thane Morgan04 May 2008 12:39 p.m. PST

I sold it because after ten years or so of tyring it was clear I didn't have the resources to make it go. It is now in the hands of a group with a lot of energy and more resources, and they have a more personal stake in it than just fans would. These are people responsible for a large increase in my sales over the past two years. Its a great opportunity for the game, a great opportunity for the owners, and hopefully it will get AoA into more hands than I have been able to.

Also I needed the cash, lol.

I'm still involved, but it is no longer under my control. There are no major rule changes in the new edition, though a few little tweaks and all of the updates and errata. I don't know if the new owners will keep with the same promise I made, but I do know the new edition will have a much nicer package and a much better layout, and while nothing I've seen makes it sound like you will need to buy a new book, I think people will eventually want to just because the book itself will be such an improvement.

I'm also interested in selling the 15mm miniature line, if anyone is interested, for pretty much the same reasons.

CPBelt05 May 2008 4:57 p.m. PST

Splintered Light would be a perfect fit IMO. You should contact them.

RocketToad26 May 2008 11:14 a.m. PST

The new rule book will be out in the middle of June after a printing glitch.
As Thane said, it is the 4th edition rules with some clarifications and tweaks and lots of colour and pretty pictures.
I believe there are now 23 official army lists.
Some of them are on Thanes website.
Most of them are in the rulebook.

Everything you need is in the rulebook, just like the previous edition.
This time there are extra things in there like terrain generators.

Pre-orders are already available at a discount …

mister flay29 May 2008 2:48 p.m. PST

plush new a.o.a rulebook on the way !
i'm extra pleased because it has some of my artwork and miniatures in it !
the principle of the rulebook stays the same, with splendid battle rule-set ( that works for fantasy or ancient ) army lists and c.c.f so you can field all those groovy and unusual miniataures without freaking your opponent out :P

Sloth196331 May 2008 7:03 p.m. PST

23 army lists? I think that's 10 more than my edition had. Maybe it's time to look at 'em again

Strider01 Jun 2008 6:13 p.m. PST

Will AoA v5 be avalible in the US I have played AoA and would like to get the new version?

Will you be selling any minis that go with the new rules just a question?

Thank You

SeattleGamer Supporting Member of TMP02 Jun 2008 2:40 p.m. PST

I was interested in this set, just to give my WFB minis a go with different rules. But in my current financial state I just can't part with $12 USD or more for shipping from the UK. Guess I'll have to pass on these for now : (

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