SeattleGamer  | 25 Jun 2008 8:28 p.m. PST |
I ordered mine about a week ago (I'm in the US), and I'm just wondering if anyone out there has received the latest edition of the rules? I believe they were supposed to start shipping the second week in June. Thanks |
Hasslefriesian | 26 Jun 2008 1:52 a.m. PST |
Apparently this is the most accurate set of rules ever produced. |
Calico Bill | 26 Jun 2008 2:55 a.m. PST |
I've got mine a week ago (Australia). They look great & read well, but we've yet to have our first game. Hopefully Hasslefriesian is right. They certainly seem to cover all bases. |
Elvenblade | 26 Jun 2008 3:27 a.m. PST |
They we shipped a couple of weeks back. People in the UK have received theirs. Did you order directly from TW or someone like Caliver Books? The rules Thane Morgan created are very good. The new edition has presented these is a much more eye catching manner and tidied up some of the areas that had FAQs. I doubt you'll be disappointed. There is a players forum here link |
Volstagg Vanir | 26 Jun 2008 5:57 a.m. PST |
Does anyone carry the new edition in the US, or should I to order directly from England? |
Blind Old Hag  | 26 Jun 2008 7:44 a.m. PST |
Yup, patiently waiting here in the US. |
SeattleGamer  | 26 Jun 2008 5:06 p.m. PST |
I ordered directly from TW. I figure it will take several weeks mimimum, and it has been about 14 days so far. I was really just seeking confirmation that they did indeed start shipping in mid-June. If it takes 3-4 weeks to get here, I'm a patient guy. It's just that I've been playing WFB since the 4th edition rules and would like to give my minis a chance to play something new : ) Has anyone tried converting stock GW army lists to AoA? Or do most people use non-GW minis and figures from other ranges, so there is no pool of converted lists? Just curious. |
Calico Bill | 26 Jun 2008 9:51 p.m. PST |
I'd love to see GW Armies converted to AoA lists as it'd make my job of turning WFB players to AoA much easier. As is, I have little knowledge of WFB to do it. Nothing on the AoA site/forum yet about doing this yet though they did have a few armies. |
Elvenblade | 27 Jun 2008 2:50 a.m. PST |
I think the guys in Canada have their books so you shouldn't be far behind. When I started playing a few years back we used all GW figs as did most of the players I have met. But because the lists are far more flexible most players have figs from all over the place. My Dark Elf army is all Black Tree design for instance. Most GW lists have AoA equivalents including the individual units within them. The 4th and 5th Ed books have the army lists in them. 5th is missing the Baron of Lyonesse which are equiv to Bretonnians/King Arthur. This list is on the website and forum I posted earlier though. It was dropped to make room for some other aspects in the book (to mixed review). It is worth noting that whilst WH has fixed army styles and units, AoA is far more flexible in that you can create an army of dwarves for example with a particular theme that is very different from another players dwarf army. My regular opponent has 2 beautiful Giant Mammoths from Westwind in his Dwarven models that make appearances from time to time. They got a lot of interest at the last doubles event organised in London. I'm sure they would be at the next tournament in October but this is going to be a historical lists event. |
kallman | 27 Jun 2008 8:00 a.m. PST |
"Apparently this is the most accurate set of rules ever produced." ????? |
Elvenblade | 27 Jun 2008 10:29 a.m. PST |
hmmm I guess it depends on what is meant by accurate. Without seeing the context it a strange claim to make, but it is fantasy ;) The rules Thane wrote are very sensible and easy flowing. The new set is the same (really the same). There are no real changes in the rules. What they now include though is clarifications on the 4th ed rules, a colour layout with more pics and the inclusion into one book of things like the new vehicle rules that Thane proposed and which were tested by the player base and at the London tournaments last year. |
SeattleGamer  | 27 Jun 2008 11:28 a.m. PST |
Good info, thanks. I am not "trying" to duplicate exactly WFB troop stats in AoA. But as you said, it would make initial gaming easier when the folks I am trying to talk into giving this a shot are all WFB players. I plan to take their current army books, and then convert their troops to AoA and hand them the conversion sheets, to make it easier for them to build an army for a game. Then, if they like it, they will probably be inclined to change some stats (and their points) to tweak their armies in new ways. And THAT is the beauty of AoA (if all the marketing hype is for real). Worth a try I figured. Looking forward to getting those rules in hand. |
Elvenblade | 27 Jun 2008 1:05 p.m. PST |
you'll find many of the armies are 80% ther already for you. Its an easy conversion |
Calico Bill | 27 Jun 2008 2:47 p.m. PST |
"5th is missing the Baron of Lyonesse which are equiv to Bretonnians/King Arthur." Elvenblade,(or anyone else)could you please give me a link to this one? It's exactly what I need and I've had no luck finding it. Probably just me. Thanks. |
Calico Bill | 27 Jun 2008 2:57 p.m. PST |
Nevermind. I found it under "General". I was looking under "new units". |
Sloth1963 | 29 Jun 2008 6:30 a.m. PST |
I ordered my copy direct from Terrain Warehouse. It arrived last Tuesday. It's a lovely book but I haven't got a chance to play them yet. FWIW I'm in Michigan. |
RuneMoon | 01 Jul 2008 8:03 a.m. PST |
Hi guys, I recieved a shipment of 5th edition books from Terrain Warehouse and have volunteered to ship them out to any customers in North America. I'm just doing this as a favour to the current NA distributor who is on extended vacation. Shipping from the US will be between $5 USD to $10, depending on number of books ordered and distance involved. I began sending out shipments yesterday. If you would like to check on the status of your order or would like to order some from the US, please send me a message here or just go to the AoA forum and post there: link |
RuneMoon | 01 Jul 2008 8:08 a.m. PST |
CalicoBill: Here is a link to the Baron's list. This is from the current web site which is just a test site. There is a new and improved site currently under development which should launch soon. However, until that does, you can get the army list here in an online and pdf format for print: link |
SeattleGamer  | 01 Jul 2008 2:33 p.m. PST |
Mine apparently arrived last Thursday, but required a signature, and I didn't see the postal pick-up slip until today. The good folks at Terrain Warehouse felt bad I missed the pre-order sale by less than a day, so they included samples of their 20mm-to-25mm movement trays. Sweet! Does anyone know if a map (color or otherwise) of Arcana was ever produced? I love having a map of the "world" just to get an idea of where the various races are from. |
RuneMoon | 02 Jul 2008 11:08 a.m. PST |
There's a very small map as something of a preview hidden in the book. However, a larger and more detailed map is in the works. |
Zinkala | 05 Jul 2008 8:48 p.m. PST |
Seattle Gamer, it would be good if you signed up for the AoA forum. I've done some work on making more Warhammer compatible lists and you can access them easier there. The Empire and Tomb Kings lists I'm quite happy with. Some of the others need more work. I'm always happy to help people out adapting things to their wants when I have time. Summer is a bit busy for me though. |
SeattleGamer  | 05 Jul 2008 9:12 p.m. PST |
I saw the tiny map in the rulebook. Just an outline, no names of anything (way to small to add text of any sort). On Thane's site I recall seeing a "map" for sale, something to do with a boardgame. The piccy I saw of the boardgame map left me less than enthusiastic. I just figured with all the map-making software out there, and all the talented folks who know how to use them, that somebody by now may have done up something, based on earlier material. I can certainly wait for a more detailed map. Zinkala
done! It will take me a bit to ramp up on the rules, and then I'll start poking around looking for info on WFB army lists that may have been converted over. Thanks for remining me of the forums (I had bookmarked them but forgot to go back). |
Zinkala | 07 Jul 2008 4:58 a.m. PST |
I have some different maps that I found for AoA aswell. But none of them are real detailed. Send me a PM at the forum, same user name, and we can talk about a few things. I've you see any of my posts over there check out the folder in my signature. It has a link where you can download some of my things I tinkered with. |
BrianH | 04 Sep 2008 10:49 p.m. PST |
Does anyone know where these rules are available in Canada or is it better to mail order from the U.K.? |
Elvenblade | 05 Sep 2008 3:58 a.m. PST |
Zink above is the main distributor in Canada |
BrianH | 05 Sep 2008 7:25 a.m. PST |
Does he have a web page or store front? URL please. Thanks |
Elvenblade | 05 Sep 2008 10:02 a.m. PST |
He is associated with Terrain Warehouse UK and is part owner of the ruleset rights. He doesn't have a website (TW do though). At the moment Zinkala is the only distributor based on the North American continent I am aware of. Caliver Books in the UK ship worldwide and have stocked AoA for years. Best way to contact Zink is via a private message on one of the AoA forums link or link (you'll have to register on the forum first but thats all) I've known the guy for quite a while and he can be trusted (but you'll have to trust me on that one lol) |
BrianH | 05 Sep 2008 2:12 p.m. PST |
I found a webpage run by Thane's Games that seems to be in the U.S. link However the catalog link does not work. So who is the creator and distributor – Thane Games or Terrain Warehouse UK? Thanks, Brian |
SeattleGamer  | 05 Sep 2008 7:45 p.m. PST |
Thane wrote the original rules, and offered them up for sale for years from his site. Supported it with new armies, even new minis. Life finally caught up with him though, and he decided to sell the game to others who could provide the kind of support he always wanted. So Thane sold the game many months ago to a number of buyers, including Terrain Warehouse. They tidied up the earlier version of the rules, revamped the layout and then printed the newer edition (which is really just typos fixed and a few minor tweaks as far as I know – but visually it looks way better). Thane has yet to take down his site. Not even sure if he is planning to do so, but I would assume that at some point he will. So at present, you can buy the rules from TW in the UK, or Zinkala up in Canada. Hope that explanation helped. And no, I am not one of the buyers or an insider in any way, just info I picked up. Steve |
BrianH | 06 Sep 2008 7:01 a.m. PST |
Steve, Thanks for the explanation. I have purchased a copy from Caliver books in the U.K. there postage was a lot less expensive than TW. Was not able to find Zinkala on the web? If he is a Canadian distributor he should make it easier to be found on the web. Hope my copy arrives soon as I am eager to give these rules a try as I am fed up with WFB market driven rules and HOTT seems a bit too generic and abstract. Brian |