"Another Armies of Arcana question..." Topic
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Two Owl Bob | 30 Mar 2009 1:53 a.m. PST |
Hello all, I am thinking of moving to AoA from 2nd Ed WHFB (the last good WHFB), mainly because some of the younger players keep trying to get us to play the latest edition WHFB and I don't want to encourage that. My question is does AoA allow players to create their own army lists and stats? I have had a look on the website and found the dowloads but Beastmen only appear as a single line on the Monsters stats list. Since I have a fairly reasonable Beastman army with champions, wizards and all sorts of stuff (lots of old runequest and GW bits and bobs, all on 25mm basing fortuitously) I would like to give them a bit more oomph along the lines of the ratmen and leonines list. I am quite happy writing my own stats and list as long as there is a points formula or similar as I hate trying to come up with points values. If a points formula is there and the rules encourage player list development then I think I may have found a contender for my new fantasy battle rules of choice. First serious contender since 1984
fairoaks024 | 30 Mar 2009 1:56 a.m. PST |
Elvenblade | 30 Mar 2009 5:15 a.m. PST |
points formula is in there and pretty well balanced. Some holes in it but these only come to light when you start getting to the extremes. Beware though, many players have ventured down the creation road and ended up cheesing out units. The dark side beckons
. AoA is a good all round game. Easy to pick up and play. Some of the units end up being very samey and many players want to see it just like WHFB for some reason but still a good game if you want the flexibility. |
Zinkala | 30 Mar 2009 8:20 p.m. PST |
A major part of what I do for AoA is helping people design their own units and armies. The formula has a few things in it that cause discussion from time to time. Most seem to be just differing opinions on what things should be like. You just need to be careful about a common problem of people saying, "this is my favourite army and they are like "x" except better in most ways." Some of us frown on that kind of thing. I have an excel file that greatly speeds up doing the calculations. I'm not sure who created it but I've done a lot of work on it myself to fix bugs and add in all of the possible information. There is a player made list called Arcadians that is designed to use GW chaos minis and it has beastmen. The wolfen list might work as well. If they don't suit your needs people on the forums are usually willing to advice and critique any ideas you might have. |
Two Owl Bob | 31 Mar 2009 1:17 a.m. PST |
Cheers guys, I have sent off for a copy of the rules. Our idea of Beastmen and GW's idea of Beatmen diverged sometime around 3rd Ed. WHFB so I would prefer to create my own stuff rather than try to work out what GW thinks and convert it to AoA. Besides which, I have Broo scouts and all kinds of strangeness picked up over the years. I'll give it a go and if it suits I might put something on the AoA board. |