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"what to do with swarms in Armies of Arcana?" Topic

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hwarang16 Oct 2009 12:32 a.m. PST

exampes are those Jungle Swarms (GW LIzardmen) and Ghosts (GW Undead).

how to build these into AoA armies?

Photonred16 Oct 2009 3:24 a.m. PST

Are you asking about basing or deployment? If I recall correctly the rules to govern units that aren't in a set formation would be skirmish.

GuyverOmegaX16 Oct 2009 4:51 a.m. PST

In terms of stats, I'd suggest something like the following:

Move – 7"
Wounds – 5
Armour – 1 Weak
Magic – 1
Morale – 8 Fearless
Melee – 5/2 weak

This is just off the top of my head for a generic swarm – movement to suit the swarm type, multiple wounds, low defences, multiple attacks. The 'Fearless' rules seem to fit swarms well, you may consider 'Berserk' for certain swarms (rats, for example).

Jungle swarms could have higher strength to represent poisoned attacks.

Bat swarms would obviously have faster flying movement.

Ghosts would be a bit difficult – perhaps a fixed save and low magic defences (so it's hard to kill them with 'normal' attacks, but magic hurts them).

This models them in a similar way to Warhammer (the swarm gets all its attacks or none), which I think is fine. The alternative would be a costing system similar to the heads of a hydra.

As for deployment, any unit (other than berserk units and possibly flyers) can be in rank & file or skirmish and I don't see why swarms should be very different.

hwarang16 Oct 2009 5:55 a.m. PST

Guyver: thanks. that should about work i guess.

i hoped there would be some bits about that which i missed. but its pretty much ok that way.


DrDman16 Oct 2009 3:20 p.m. PST

Put them on a base 4 or base 9 and work out stats for them.

Zinkala16 Oct 2009 7:20 p.m. PST

Not sure if this will turn out or not as I'm copying and pasting it from a table in a word doc. It's some ideas me and another guy were discussing last spring about swarms. The first group worked like warmachines with crew where you lost attacks as you lost wounds. The second uses d3 hits and less attacks to randomize things.


Name VP Move Wnds Armor Magic Morale Melee Missile Special
Rat swarm 25 8" swim 4 0 1 7 fearless 4 / 2 Base:4
Insect swarm 23 8" 4 0 1 7 fearless 4 / 2 Base:4
Snake swarm 30 8" ignore terrain 4 0 1 7 fearless 4 / 2, d3 wounds Base:4
Spider swarm 30 8" ignore terrain 4 0 1 7 fearless 4 / 2, d3 wounds Base:4
Bat swarm 64 12" flying 4 0 Evasion (1) 1 7 fearless 4 / 2 – weak, Base: 4

Name VP Move Wnds Armor Magic Morale Melee Missile Special
Rat swarm 25 8" swim 4 0 1 7 fearless 2 / 2 d3 hits Base:4
Insect swarm 23 8" 4 0 1 7 fearless 2 / 2 d3 hits Base:4
Snake swarm 30 8" ignore terrain 4 0 1 7 fearless 2 / 2, d3 hits, d3 wounds Base:4
Spider swarm 30 8" ignore terrain 4 0 1 7 fearless 2 / 2, d3 hits, d3 wounds Base:4
Bat swarm 64 12" flying 4 0 Evasion (1) 1 7 fearless 2 / 2 – weak, d3 hits Base: 4

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