napthyme | 09 Dec 2010 3:08 p.m. PST |
I am still struggling with how to pack the 15MM figures for retail at cons and in stores. Just how do I work the command figures into the packs? Is only one of each needed per army or do I need to add them in every pack? Any help from the community would be appreciated
Malaki the Wonderer | 09 Dec 2010 3:44 p.m. PST |
My experience with the rules is that they are there for looks, Unless I missed it in the rulebook there are no specific rules for standards and musicians. Not all my units have them, if I have them I may use them but not all the time. Just my experience with the rules. |
John Leahy  | 09 Dec 2010 4:10 p.m. PST |
Yeah, one of my favorite things is that you do NOT need to pick up all those special figs for your units. One per army works. Thanks, John |
magokiron | 09 Dec 2010 4:59 p.m. PST |
In AoA there are rules for Characters: Champions, Heroes, Generals and Magic users, but no rules for standard bearers or musicians. We usually use then only for "the look" (and we already have them because the previous games we used to play), but you can choose to include them or not, as they have no weight in game mechanics. As for if you NEED to include them in a starting pack, I guess will be determined by economy: Command groups usually cost more, so keeping them out, you may give a better deal to your customers. Hope that helps. |
chuck05  | 09 Dec 2010 5:05 p.m. PST |
Id just sell command packs seperate. That way you can have your unit builder packs and if people desire the command packs, they can pick up what they need. You could do the command packs with multiple sets of figures, say 3 to 5 of each command figure. |
napthyme | 09 Dec 2010 5:49 p.m. PST |
And this is exactly my problem, since the game doesn't "need" a certain amount of any of them and combined with the fact that some only have a leader and a spell caster figure it makes it hard to know what to do with them. I'm torn between tossing them in with a standard pack of foot soldiers or adding several of each to there own pack. And the Amazons are a real mess with the Mounted Princess added in to the princess on foot and the queen. I keep trying to get Thane to answer this question for me, but I never seem to get any reply
DrDman | 09 Dec 2010 6:14 p.m. PST |
Sell them separately. I use standards and muscians if available. If not I do with leader/characters. |
Battle Works Studios | 09 Dec 2010 6:20 p.m. PST |
I'd do packs of character models and throw the standard bearers & musicians in with them. People do need heroes & wizards in the game, and a standard could just as easily be a hero type as a regular trooper carrying a flag. Musicians – well, hey, Boromir carried a horn. Another model you can use as a hero in a pinch. Not like the cost increase is likely to be deal killer. |
Inari7  | 09 Dec 2010 9:00 p.m. PST |
I keep trying to get Thane to answer this question for me, but I never seem to get any reply
I think the Thane sold his game to another company.
napthyme | 09 Dec 2010 9:06 p.m. PST |
Yes, I bought the miniatures from Thane, Terrain Warehouse bought the rules, but they do 28MM and have not been much help on the subject. So I'm trying to fish in a new pond to see if I can get a better idea from people who play 15MM instead. |
Warbeads | 10 Dec 2010 2:56 a.m. PST |
Make a decision, any decision, and implement it on a trial basis. You can change the decision if you think it isn't working. Gracias, Glenn |
Inari7  | 10 Dec 2010 3:59 p.m. PST |
Probably asking the question "Are there any AA players around? or asking if there is a forum for AA. I have not heard of anyone playing AA in a LONG time. |
napthyme | 10 Dec 2010 5:14 p.m. PST |
Yes, I have been to Terrain Warehouse's forum, as I said before was not a lot of help
John Leahy  | 10 Dec 2010 10:05 p.m. PST |
We played about a month ago. I have a son and two buddies who will also be playing. The forum is moderately active. Thanks, John |
magokiron | 12 Dec 2010 11:58 a.m. PST |
You may want to check these forums. Both are (Theorithecally) independent from the manufacturer, so you'll get some player's opinions. link link I used to participate very actively (including contribution to the AoA 5th ed rules comitee), but when Thane sold the system, there were some internal fighting from several members and I totally quit the Rajdhillion forum when the owner AND moderator started attacking posters (myself included) with no apparent reason. Hope that helps. |