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Armies of Arcana

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SCAdian28 Mar 2012 2:54 p.m. PST

Can anyone let me know: is there a points formula in the 5th edition for making my own troops?

I still have the Demonworld Goblin list form back in the day…

WeeSparky28 Mar 2012 3:23 p.m. PST

Yes, the unit construction rules are still there. Fifth is just a minor revamp of fourth, with better examples and layout. The biggest change was the vehicles/chariot rules that were simplified, to reduce "paperwork" (which allows fielding more of them), but the game system remains the same.

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP28 Mar 2012 3:43 p.m. PST

WeeSparky has it right. 5th has a much improved layout. Either version will work. The rules are quite good. plus there are a lot of fan based army lists.



Mooseworks829 Mar 2012 7:24 a.m. PST

Don't seem to hear much about AoA since Thane sold it. Seemed more active in the past.

napthyme29 Mar 2012 10:02 a.m. PST

Well that is partly because I can't get to the shows like he did, and everyone else involved in the rules is either in the UK or Canada.

I'm still retailing the books here in the US and I have Thanes mini line. You can find the site here.

Zinkala29 Mar 2012 10:30 a.m. PST

SCadian, here's a link to an excel file for the current formula.
Like WeeSparky said the vehicle rules were the big change from 4th to 5th. Now you just calculate them like any other creature and there's some guidlines in the book for how to combine the stats for the seperate parts and what's suitable. We worked in all of Thane's FAQs and corrections into the new rulebook and it looks a lot better but the main rules and gameplay didn't really change.

SCAdian29 Mar 2012 1:33 p.m. PST

Thank you all for the information.


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