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"Bear Yourselves Valiantly, any sample army list online?" Topic

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readyplayerone10 Dec 2014 6:40 a.m. PST

I'm interested in seeing if there are any sample army list online for the game? I'd like to get a bit of an idea on what an army looks like before ordering the rules. The battle reports I've read looked good but not a whole lot on army comp from what I saw.

And Base sizes, how big?


Chris Palmer10 Dec 2014 7:27 a.m. PST

First, let me say thank you for your interest in our rules.

There are no specific sample army lists on line, but if you look here,
you can see some examples of forces I used in a game at the club. Each "Force" in the OOB would give you a good idea of what a typical player commands. While this was scenerio based game, not a point based one, each force shown represents about a 1000 point army.

There are 6 example armies in the rulebook, with all their stats and ready to go. Each one is approximately 1000 points, and designed for a single player to control.

The Dwarf Army for example consisits of:

-Army Commander
-Blunderbus base
-Steam Tank base
-Cannon battery base
-Onithopter base
-Two Subcommanders each with 2 Axe bases under them
-A Subcommanders with two Crossbow bases under him
-A Subcommander with two Cavalry bases under him

While these Armies are presented in the rules as examples, they are by no means canon, and players are encouraged to design their own forcs and stat their own units.

The basic base is 3" x 1.5" inches for units, and 1.5" x 1.5" for Leaders, Heroes, and Batteries. While the frontages remain consistant, sometimes the depth of these bases is increased to accomodate larger models.

I hope this gives you a basic idea of army compostion. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Also, if you have not done so already, you can check out our website here for further information:

surdu200510 Dec 2014 4:45 p.m. PST

In addition to what Chris said, I would add two points.

First, there is a Look, Sarge, No Charts Yahoo group dedicated to this family of rules. We have placed a number of helpful files in the Files section of the group page. The group is: link

Second, one of the files posted to this site is an Excel spreadsheet that will help you built up a force according the point system. Disclaimer: the point system was designed to help game masters create scenarios. It was not designed as a bullet proof system to avoid trip armies in tournaments. In general, the system has stood up well to play testing. This spreadsheet should help you built up your armies. If you are comfortable with Excel and fiddle with it a bit, it may help you answer questions you may have about armies in BYV.


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