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Grizwald21 May 2010 12:24 p.m. PST

I'm interested in how those of you who play Lost Battles (or Strategos) represent the different troop grades. Phil Sabin seems to doubble the number of figures (Veteran to Average; Average to Levy) do you do the same, or something different?

Arrigo21 May 2010 12:37 p.m. PST

It depends,

when I have the figures I follow Phil lead. Otherwise Uhm I just use different figures type (guard phalanxes for veteran, regular armored for average unarmored for levy).

Who asked this joker21 May 2010 3:18 p.m. PST

I made a VASSAL module (located in the files section of the LB Yahoo group). I represent everything by single units of the same "size". I change the labels to suit the scenario being played. I have only played LB via VASSAL.

Temporary like Achilles23 May 2010 3:02 a.m. PST

When playing with figures I/we usually use 2DBx stands for veterans, 4 for average troops and 6 or 8 for levy (depending on the battle and figs available). If playing solo I tend to use a 1/2/4 bases for cav.

Can vouch for John's VASSAL module – it's very handy. Have to get another game on the go John!


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