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Temporary like Achilles23 Sep 2010 7:44 a.m. PST

Hi folks,

Here are a couple of links to some blog posts on Dertosa. The first is to a draft scenario of the battle for the Lost Battles rules. The scenario is based upon Patrick Waterson's Dertosa article in the latest Slingshot (issue 271). This gives the OOBs, deployment positions, and other background information.


The second link is to a report on a test battle of the same, played out with miniatures. I hope you enjoy it, and any comments, suggestions and criticisms would be most welcome.



John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP23 Sep 2010 9:19 a.m. PST

Wow, that came right down to the end. Nice looking figs! I own Lost Battles but haven't used them yet. The book is packed full of some good stuff. I'm just not sure where to start with the rules. Any thoughts or tips? I am a member of the yahoo group.

Please post any other battle reports you may do.



Temporary like Achilles23 Sep 2010 9:22 p.m. PST

Hi John,

Thanks for the comments. The rules can seem a bit daunting, but I was lucky enough to have another fellow to run through them with so we learnt it together. It took a few games to get things down (and it's also easy to forget a rule here or there if you aren't playing regularly) but using Dave Parker's quick reference sheet posted to the files section of the group by captainquincy makes things very straightforward. It has all the info you need, and anything else you can just check the book for. After a couple of games you won't need to check the main rules at all.

Here's a link to the QRS, but the link won't work unless you are logged into yahoo (and a member of the group, of course!):

PDF link

There are quite a few other useful files on the group, but for starters I'd suggest that you print that QRS out, laminate it, and just play a game or two. Use the historical set ups at first so you don't have to worry about deployment rules, and play a battle you know reasonably well and have figures for.

If you don't have figures, you could always use John Acar's VASSAL module to play (and this is an excellent vehicle for play over the internet, too).

I hope that helps, and I'd recommend you give it a go. It's a very good solo game too, so if you like to potter around by yourself then you must give it a crack sometime!

If you have any questions that come up feel free to fire away here or PM me privately.


John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP24 Sep 2010 11:45 a.m. PST

I really apprecitae it Aaron! I liked what I was reading and I have a large amount of 6mm ancients painted. I just couldn't quite get my head around everything. I am a member of the yahoo group and will print off the QRS.

Thanks again.


Temporary like Achilles24 Sep 2010 7:05 p.m. PST

Sounds like you are halfway there, John!


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