"Photos of a Magnesia session using Lost Battles" Topic
5 Posts
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Temporary like Achilles | 13 Mar 2011 6:06 a.m. PST |
A friend and I got through a couple of games of Magnesia today using Lost Battles. The Romans won both times: once by killing Antiochus and demoralising the army; and the other time by rolling up the Seleucids from their left flank, as they did historically. It was a welcome afternoon's respite from all the bad news recently. I've not written up a report, but there are a few photos and comments at the link below for anyone who may be interested. link Thanks very much, Aaron |
DeanMoto | 13 Mar 2011 10:54 a.m. PST |
Thanks for the post. My buddy and I are hosting a Magnesia game in a couple of months – using WAB. I hope to get one Scythed Chariot done by then. I'm impressed to see you have three! Regards, Dean |
Temporary like Achilles | 13 Mar 2011 4:22 p.m. PST |
Thanks Dean, Magnesia is a really enjoyable battle to game. I do want to try it using free deployment next time around though. I reckon there is some experimentation to be done there :) Will look forward to seeing how your game goes. Please take plenty of photos and let us know when you put them up! Cheers, Aaron |
John Leahy | 13 Mar 2011 7:05 p.m. PST |
Liked the battle. The figs look very nice. I REALLY need to get some games of Lost battles in. Thanks, John |
Temporary like Achilles | 14 Mar 2011 7:30 a.m. PST |
Thanks John! I also think you need to get some games of Lost Battles in! Pat sent me down some of his photographs as well, and they are much better close ups than I can do. They are here if anyone would like to take a look: link Cheers, Aaron |