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"Sikh wars - using "horse, foot, guns" rules" Topic

Horse, Foot and Guns

3 Posts

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Areas of Interest

18th Century
American Civil War
19th Century
World War One

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Like the fish22 Jul 2013 4:34 a.m. PST

Hi guys, I was always surprised that there was not an army list for the Sikh wars included by Phil especially as he mentions the Khalsa in the unit types. This is my effort for two forces of 160 points each. I intend to use the excellent ranges by Black Hat and QRF/Friekorps which I believe are compatible. Any input would be welcomed. Many thanks – Nick.

Native potentate 1
Regulars – Stoics 12
Akalis – elite spearmen 2
Irregular foot – Firelocks 8
Inferior – Regular Cuirassiers 1
Inferior – Regular Light cavalry 1
Light horse 4
Sipahis 4
Heavy smoothbore artillery 1
Smoothbore artillery 4
Horse artillery 1
Portable artillery – rockets 1

CP 1
Elite bayonets – British 4
Elite bayonets – Ghurkas 1
Bayonets – sepoys 15
Light infantry 2
Light cavalry 2
Elite light cavalry 2
Heavy smoothbore artillery 1
Smoothbore artillery 2

optional field22 Jul 2013 9:14 a.m. PST

Have you considered classifying the irregular foot as skirmishers instead of firelocks?

Oh Bugger23 Jul 2013 3:20 a.m. PST

Yes certainly some skirmishers for the Sikhs and I would say more heavy smoothbore artillery. The Sikh artillery was heavier and better than its British opponents.

You could give the British rockets.

As to the stoic Sikh foot I'm sure that will work but its worth considering how they would have performed under Generals who wanted to win.

It might be fun to classify them as elite bayonets in a game or two.

I'll take this opportunity to plug 'The First Anglo Sikh War' by Armapal Sidhu up to date and a great read.

I have recently got some Blackhat Sikhs and British to match my QRF ones. The horses are a perfect match and some of the men too. Others are a bit pumpkin headed, not enough to reject them but certainly seperate bases.

I hope Blackhat sort this out as there are some gems there too and it could be a fantastic range.

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