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"De Bellis Civile - useful for other systems?" Topic

De Bellis Renationis

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balticbattles11 Jul 2010 3:52 a.m. PST

Are the two scenario books really tied into DBR, or do they include info such as troop numbers making it easy to convert to other systems?


Markup11 Jul 2010 4:00 a.m. PST

I really wouldn't bother. They only give the number of bases for DBR, some of the battles are fudged, to be kind, and the maps are a mess. Trust me, I bought both…

However, if you want them, a fiver for the two. That's half price. Bargain :)

You'd be much better off getting Bob Giglio's scenario books from Caliver, they're designed for Forlorn Hope, but they do contain troop numbers, and can easily be used for other systems. Below are the contents of each volume except the fourth, for some reason


"Lord Wilmot's Wild Ride" – The Battle of Tipton Green, 12 June 1644. I grew up near there.


lutonjames11 Jul 2010 5:24 p.m. PST

Got them and have to agree Markup- Don't think there much cop even for DBR .

mashrewba12 Jul 2010 1:52 p.m. PST

I have them both -they look like school projects and the maps are a joke -they could be of anywhere.

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